Forum Replies Created
Hi Jill,
It’s advised not to take Betaine HCL as H. Pylori can dig deep into the stomach lining and hide. It’s best to remove it.
Following the Pylorus dilation and botox injection, I met my GI consultant on November 23rd. Attached is his clinic letter. I’ve attached the histology report and OGD report again as well.
There is an error in the clinic letter.
I take 25mg Amitriptyline and 20 mg Famotidine twice daily.
Ideally, I don’t want to be taking Amitriptyline at all.
He’s assured me not to worry about the reactive gastritis but I am. If I don’t heal it, I can’t progress with my other health issues.
Also, there is not H. Pylori detected, but GI map shows it.[Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 OGD Therapeutic.pdf][Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 Histology Report.pdf][Naveed Aslam 23.11.22 Clinic Letter.pdf][Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 Supplementary Report.pdf]
I tried this product sometime back. I recall the brand. It burnt my stomach and it was very expensive. Around £150.
Hi Should I start taking it or heal the gut first?
MemberNovember 24, 2022 at 9:56 pm in reply to: GI Relief, Motility Activator and Digestive BitterThank you. For some reason, when I click on the link, I’m taken to the fullscript page but not to the product. I’ll take a look on Amrita.
Hi , after how long should I repeat the blood to test for RBC minerals
Is elemental diet a supplement?
Yes, I’ve had dizzy spells before, but my sugar levels have been 4.3 or there about’s.
I might need to,invest in one of these.
I am really struggling with gastroparisis lately. The botox injection apparently takes 3 weeks to,take affect. It’s only been a week.
Today, I was in a lot of pain when having white fish. Chicken is worse and I have stopped it.
I don’t know what to have protein wise based on the VPC pillar. I can’t have lentils due histamine and sibo issues.
To be honest fish can cause histamine issues too as the longer the fish on the shelf, histamine builds up.
I simmer both carom and fennel seeds in water, strain and drink the tea. It hasn’t helped with the bloating. I notice the bloating seems to be related to the tight pyloric sphincter andor delayed stomach emptying. I’ve found ginger tea to hot and nose starting to bleed. I can retry. I haven’t tried the other teas.
Yes, I do castor oil pack, but not daily.
Secretory IgA is low. Unfortunately, Mega IgG2000 cannot be reformulated as it’s a single ingredient product and that single ingredient isn’t allowed in the UK. This is the response I received from Kiran Krishan at Microlabs.
I’m still trying to figure out how to get the Biotics Research alternative to be shipped here.
Yes, I’m on the low fodmap and candida diet. My diet has become extremely restrictive as I have to avoid also avoid acidic foods.
Which prokinetic for gastroparesis please:-
1. MotilPro – 180 Capsules – Pure Encapsulations | Amrita Nutrition. This Prokinetic has B6 which I already take as a B complex; B Complex Liquid | Metabolics
2. Motility Activator – Integrative Therapeutics | Amrita Nutrition
GI Relief
Could I open up the Thorne GI relief capsules and mix them into my soupsmoothiepuree?Famotidine (H2 Blocker)
Struggling to come off it especially at night due to LPRacid reflux. Caught in a vicious cycle.I’m sure there are other reasons too.
Just wondering if I will be able to receive discount on supplements in the same way as Fullscript
I had saved the the marshmallow root and slippery elm post in Instagram. I can’t seem to find it.
Please can you post it here B. or Daniel.
I tried to locate it in clear view, but can’t find it here as well.
Sorry for the inconvenience.