Forum Replies Created
morning B.
I tried lemon balm, but it irritated my stomach. I’ll try dandelion and cistus incanus.
B., I take slippery elm powder and mix in water and drink 30 mins before eating. Is the tea prepared in a different way?
Asalamaolaikum. So many properties. Excellent.
hello. This is great. I didn’t know it was very popular. What is HM?
On one hand, SBI Protect has Bovine ingredient which I thought means animal derived, but then at the same time, the website mentions it’s dairy free.
B. What does bovine mean.
I’m also looking for something which addresses IgA, and igM. I am taking moss select IgG, but it doesn’t contain the former two immunglobins as much as IgG.
IgG2000 isn’t available here due to UK regulations.
Thank you for confirming that it’s safe Daniel. You’re absolutely correct, it’s available as a. Injection.
just about to order. Sure, will let you and B. know.
Thanks Buddy. I’ll go ahead. I hope I haven’t lost out on the early bird offer. The lymphatic system stimulation what made me think about the course. I didn’t realise he was well known until B. mentioned he might be invited and then your good self have attended his workshops.
Hi B. & Daniel,
Apologies for the delayed response.
Not much if a response from my part other than my brother is undergoing further tests and I’m waiting for his response to your questions.
He’s 53. Despite home cooked foods, his duet has been a high percentage of junk food since his 20s. He use to be very slim. To be honest, what triggered him to gain weight. His maximum weight was just over 90kg but now just over 80kg.
Just to add to the complexity, he’s also a lung cancer patient since 2013. He doesn’t smoke or drink.
He doesn’t take any supplements or medications apart from pain killer called co-codamol.
I have forward your response to him to address.
I’ll avoid body shop. I’ll take a look at the these brands too.
thank you so much for your detailed response and the article. I came across all your other articles in one place. Thank you.
I was using fresh aloe vera gel for reflux and gut lining. I’ll try it on the face too.
Definitely know which foods cause inflammation now.
Morning B.
This is great. I’ll take a look at the EWG skin website.
Lol – cocoa butter. Nice.
Do you think Body shop products are worth looking into?
I’ve purchased this course. Tomorrow, I will upload the report sent to me by the inspector and the Ermi report. There is quite a lot involved in remidiating the home.
Hi Daniel,
Just to be sure, did you see the results labelled 29.8.23 date? Compared to 2021 and January 2023, the results appear to be much worse.
Unfortunately, yes. I am having oatmeal and jasmine white rice in the morning and evening respectively. Craving for sugar is rife.
There is mould in the home. I didn’t realise it can affect leaky gut until you mentioned it. The mould mainly is invisible, but a machine has picked it up.
Did my OATS test pick up mould inside my body.
oh, you’re right. I just saw thr product info, it also has an aluminium coating. I’ll leave it. I’ll continue looking.