Toxins on your shoes?

When I first saw this graphic by @environmentaltoxinsnerd I thought, well doesn’t everyone remove their shoes before entering a home?

⁣⁣And then I remembered my first trip to Lebanon as a teen. It was culturally NOT the accepted norm to remove your shoes at the door. ???? In fact, it was considered rude asking visitors to take off their shoes!
⁣⁣Which was mind boggling to me because growing up in Canada, it was customary to remove our shoes before entering someone’s house.

???? From a health perspective however, if you want to transition to a “low tox” lifestyle, then not wearing outdoor shoes indoors is a free and easy way to reduce the number of pollutants coming into your home.

????????According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s indoor air quality report, they state “???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????, ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????.”⁣⁣

So if you must wear shoes, then maybe keep a pair just for the indoors?⁣⁣
⁣⁣Over to you…⁣⁣
⁣⁣Do you remove your shoes before entering a house? How about guests? Is it considered rude in your culture?⁣⁣
⁣⁣I’d love to hear your thoughts on the shoe debate below.

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