Say Goodbye to UTIs

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve helped clients avoid courses of antibiotics for a brewing urinary tract infection (UTI).⁣
⁣I’m not against antibiotics (they can be life-saving) but my goal here is to give you other natural options that are available and explain the rationale.⁣
⁣UTIs are typically caused by a specific type of E coli bacteria colonizing the urinary tract.⁣
⁣A combination of d-mannose, uva ursi, hydration, and alkalizing the urine can help!⁣
⁣1️⃣ D-mannose is a natural sugar that doesn’t get absorbed in the human digestive tract but instead provides desirable food for bacteria.⁣
⁣This causes them to release their grip of the urinary tract lining and get flushed out in urine.
Hence the importance of drinking plenty of fresh filtered water.
⁣SCORE? Bacteria 0, Human 1 ⁣
⁣????????Dosing needs to be discussed with your practitioner but on average, 1-2g daily has been shown to help with prevention and 2 x daily to counter an existing infection.⁣
⁣2️⃣ Similarly, cranberry metabolites impair e-coli adhesion to the urinary tract wall. But make sure it’s cranberry EXTRACT and not cranberry JUICE, which is high in sugar and feeds bacteria!⁣
⁣3️⃣ Uva ursi, an herbal anti-microbial, is believed to be more effective at an alkaline pH which is why it is encouraged to eliminate (at least temporarily) anything acidic (see the list of avoids in the post pic).⁣
⁣????????At the first “twinge”, uva ursi at the maximum recommended dose on the supplement label can help stop it in its track.⁣
⁣⚠️ NOTE: While d-mannose is quite safe for everyone, uva ursi is not recommended for children or those with liver disease.⁣
⁣4️⃣ Also important – if sexually active, please urinate as soon as possible after intercourse.⁣

For help with sourcing some of these supplements, you can checkout my online dispensary here.

As always, please consult with a practitioner before taking any new supplements.⁣
⁣Hope this was helpful.⁣ If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below.

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