Root Cause of Migraines

I’ve addressed headaches before but migraines are different. They are characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, and usually preceded by alterations in vision all of which can cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, noise or smells.
I think we can all agree – NOT FUN!
While there are many possible root causes, I’ve learned that the major driver in persistent migraines nearly always has to do with a dysfunction in cellular metabolism.
What’s that? It’s how well our cells produce or don’t produce energy.
What affects cellular metabolism?
Pull up a chair my friend… LOTS!
1️⃣ Basics first… oxygen and water! Do you suffer from sleep apnea, asthma, chronic allergy/histamine responses? Do you drink enough water?
2️⃣ Magnesium. Is there anything this mighty mineral can’t do? Test “RBC magnesium” for sufficiency and check out my article on magnesium for the best types of uses.
3️⃣ CoQ10 is a critical enzyme for energy production. Are you on statin drugs or beta blockers which deplete CoQ10?
4️⃣ Toxins like glyphosate sprayed on non-organic food or heavy metals from contaminated fish, personal care products, make-up, aluminum cookware, etc., all directly block energy production. (see my highlight “heavy metals” for more info)
5️⃣ Lack of cofactors; B vitamins, zinc, copper, carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, iron are all needed for cellular metabolism. Do you eat animal proteins? How is digestion/absorption? High dose B2 (~500mg per day) can help prevent migraines but needs ~2 months to show effect.
6️⃣ Adrenal health (think stress of all kinds including gut dysbiosis, parasitic infections, food sensitivities – especially dairy and gluten, toxicity) impacts thyroid function. And sluggish thyroid = sluggish EVERYTHING including cellular metabolism!
7️⃣ Hormone imbalances can also exacerbate migraines. But know that all hormones are produced in the mitochondria (cell’s power plant) – more reason to address cellular metabolism!
Ok friends! That’s all for now.
And remember, we do Better when we know Better!