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Do you feel not rested after 7-8 hours of sleep? Do you feel you are a light sleeper? Or do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep continuously?
I will link here some excellent videos giving you tips on sleep hygiëne and your bedroom. You can find the videos here, here, here & here.
If you have trouble falling asleep because your mind seems to be too active in the evening you could try herbal teas or l-theanine. Of course, avoiding stimulating activities in the evening will help as well.
If you are waking up several times in the middle of the night 5-HTP could help. Try the dosages Bernadette is mentioning.
Magnesium glycinate can help you sleep deeper (if you are constipated, use magnesium citrate instead). Together with Ashwaganda (make sure it says KSM-66 on the label) it can help you sleep even better.
Hey ,
You could use for example D-mannose from Pure encapsulations or D-Mannose Plus from Cytoplan (clicking on the descriptions will bring you to the online supplement store fullscript – which gives discounts to B Better members. But you have to have an account first)
It doesn’t matter if it’s a pill or powder. The benefit of Cytoplan is that is has also some cranberry extract which is helpful with UTIs as well!
Perhaps you have seen Bernadette’s recommendations for UTIs already. If not, click here to find the full protocol!
Hey ,
I personally never had clients with elevated homocysteine. I have seen research with patients who were giving B12, folate and B6 and they saw impressive improvements in 5 weeks. But the research didn’t gave their starting homocysteine numbers.
Now your homocysteine elevation is ‘moderate’. I expect a measurable difference after using b vitamins after a month or so, but perhaps your cardiologist could give you a better indication than I can.
Correcting folate deficiency will also affect the size of your red blood cells. After 3 months usually all red blood cells have been replaced leaving you with smaller red blood cells. Your slow thyroid could possible delay the process a bit. This is something you should get checked after 3-4 months.
Adding B vitamins will do a lot for detoxification. Three (from the 6!) major detoxification routes are depending on folate, B6 and B12:
• Methylation: yes it is needed for detoxification as well!
• Glutathion conjugation.
• Trans-sulfuration pathwaySo adding in B vitamins shouldn’t be done to fast. If detoxification starts up to aggressively and you have some toxicity issues, you could feel worse. Start with the dose you are taking right now, see how you feel.
Once homocysteine starts to drop, you probably start detoxifying better. Sometimes this means that toxins on toxicity tests start to go up first since they come free now.
Men need about 11 mg elemental zinc per day. Sometimes it is recommended to boost zinc, but I wouldn’t do this longer then 1 or 2 months since high zin levels can lead to lower copper levels. I personally have boosted with my male clients the total zinc in supplements to 40 mg of elemental zinc if they could tolerate that. Some people can however experience nausea and vomiting with higher dosages so I do recommend to be cautious and go slow there as well. If you decide to try this, perhaps combine this with a little copper. -
Hey ,
First of all, great lifestyle choices by not drinking caffeine and trying supplements instead of medications!
Unfortunately having the focus on improving sleep can itself be a root cause for not falling asleep.
Here are some things that might help lower anxiety & help you fall asleep (and stay asleep!):
Kombucha can be a source of caffeine. This is because the tea leaves used to make kombucha contain caffeine. How much caffeine is in kombucha can depend on different factors: the amount of time the kombucha was fermenting, but also how much caffeine was added to the blend. Try a few days without and see if this helps.Other sources of caffeine are indeed tea. If this is something you consume I would try some herbal teas without caffeine. Chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower and magnolia bark are for example herbs that can work calming and help you fall faster asleep as well.
Magnolia bark has honokiol which has been shown to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep by binding to GABA receptors (click here). Like chamomile, passionflower contains certain flavonoids that bind to the same receptors in the brain as benzodiazepines and may help reduce symptoms of anxiety (click here).
Too much food, directly before you go to sleep is indeed not a good idea for sleep quality. But sometimes taking dinner too far away from your sleep can make you wake up early as well. Perhaps experimenting with a little snack 3 hours before bed can help you stay asleep longer.Melatonin
Stress hormones can often interfere with melatonin production. Besides sleep, are there other sources of stress at play? Stress hormones can also rise by pain, inflammation, medications (like prednisone or other corticosteroids) or aggressive workouts.Melatonin is made from tryptophan which under the influence of an enzyme (tryptophan hydroxylase) turns eventually into 5-HTP, then serotonin and melatonin. The production of tryptophan hydroxylase is influenced by estrogen (so female hormones can interfere with sleep as well). Serotonin production in the brain is influenced by vitamin D and also needs vitamin B6. Making sure you have enough of these nutrients in your diet is helpful as well.
Melatonin can help you fall asleep, but the body produces about 0.5-0.8 mg in puberty to fall asleep. When we are adults, the body produces even less melatonin: 0.3 mg. Although most supplements contain much more melatonin, we usually don’t need that much.
Do lower melatonin dosages not work? Perhaps you could try a combination of melatonin (a lower dose) and 5-HTP. 5-HTP is the precursor of melatonin and can help you stay asleep longer.
L-theanine can help increase the calming neurotransmitter GABA in the brain and lower anxiety – for example, induced by the desire to fall asleep. It is in tea, but there can also be caffeine in tea. A supplement can be a convenient option. Usually, L-theanine works quite quickly.Adaptogens
Night-time intake of calming adaptogenic herbs can often be helpful (e.g. holy basil, ashwagandha, magnolia). Personally, I have had great success with ashwagandha KSM-66. For stronger supplement blends, I have used stress complex from Klaire labs (click here to find this product in fullscript – the supplement store we have in B Better) -
Hey ,
Let’s start with the most important marker that should be brought back into balance: homocysteïne.
Homocysteïne is an important amino acid. It is part of something we call the methylation cycle. The goal of the methylation cycle is to transport methyl groups from one molecule to another to change and rebuild them.
Homocysteine is formed from an amino acid called Methionine. What happens is that Methionine donates its methyl group to something else and now it transforms as a consequence into homocysteine.
Several ‘fates’ for homocysteine are possible. For the biggest part, it usually gets a methyl group donated from methyl-folate, the bioactive form of folate, and then it changes back into Methionine. The enzyme needed for this conversion is also dependent on vitamin B2
From this report in March, we can see that folate is low. Vitamin B12 we would like to see higher as well compared to what we see on your lab report. Also vitamin B12 plays a role in the methylation cycle as well. If there isn’t B12 or folate present, Homocysteine can not transform back into Methionine.
If you have been addressing B9 & B12 issues I would recheck:
• Homocysteine
• B12 & folate
• Vitamin B2 (it makes your urine yellow, so if this is the case, you at least have absorbed it in the gut)We would like to know if B12 & B9 are doing their work inside cells. Lab tests that provide us with that information would be helpful. Check:
• MMA – Methylmalonic Acid (Is elevated if B12 isn’t absorbed at the cellular level)
• FIGlu – or Formiminoglutamic Acid (Is elevated if B9 isn’t absorbed at the cellular level)Red Blood Cell
Since your iron markers are looking good, I would suspect your hemoglobin levels to be much better – have you been tested for Thalassemia (an inherited blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough hemoglobin)?Thyroid
The test shows low T4, T3, fT4 & fT3. A deficiency in zinc, copper, and vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and C will cause a decrease in the production of T4 by the follicles of the thyroid gland. Conversion of (f)T4 to (f)T3 needs in addition selenium and iron. Magnesium plays also a role in thyroid metabolism.I would test:
• RBC Zink
• RBC Magnesium
• RBC seleniumVitamin B6
Your OAT earlier uploaded here was done in the same month right? It did show low levels of B6 which can also contribute to anemia. I would probably like to retest that as well if you tried to correct for that. Inclusive Xanthurenate & Kynurenate if that is an option. Those markers elevate with high serum B6 but inadequate cellular B6.Vitamin B6 is also needed to make a lot of neurotransmitters, like dopamine, (nor)-epinephrine, GABA, serotonin & melatonin. Dopamine & serotonin play a major role in the gut as well and are necessary for the breakdown of histamine since they work together with the DAO enzyme.
Remember I told you that homocysteine had different fates? Homocysteine is also a precursor and necessary to make Glutathione, Taurine and it is necessary for the sulfate pathway. Taurine is needed for bile production and guess what they all need as a cofactor: vitamin B6.
Without B9, B12 and B6 homocysteine can’t transform and now it could pile up as a result.
Kidney function.
I would also retest your kidney function. Make sure you are hydrated though (i know this is hard), otherwise the markers might get unreliable! Kidneys convert part of the T4 to T3 as well. We need to know how healthy your kidneys are!
• eGFR
• CreatinineVitamin D
Did you recheck your vitamin D? Otherwise I would also retest 25 OH Vitamin D3White Blood Cell Differentiation (WBC Diff)
Your last WBC was low normal possibly the body was struggling to produce white blood cells. White Blood Cells production needs nutrients like Vitamine D, zinc and B vitamins as well. If you have been correcting for these nutrients and the WBC count is still low normal, this together with the low normal Red Blood Cell count (don’t let the blue-colored representation misguide you!) can be an indication of heavy metals. So I would also retest
• WBC + differentiation
• RBC countHonestly, I don’t know if this answered your question. I still need to replay the group call, so I might miss a bit of context to this question. I also based my answer only on looking at the test and what would be a logical next step based on the information coming from this test.
that is not a problem!
Hey ,
I would still be interested to see fT3 as well. Iron is necessary to convert T4 into T3. Other nutrients are necessary as well like selenium, zinc, vitamins A & D, iodine, and magnesium.
Talking about Magnesium, I would test in the Red Blood Cells(RBC). This isn’t done standard in conventional medicine, unfortunately, but maybe you can. RBC Magnesium reflects your magnesium intake from the last 3 months, while blood magnesium will be reflective of the last few meals you have eaten. RBC zinc I would test as well.
What is the DUTCH test?
The DUTCH test is used in the US and although it isn’t used standard, more conventional doctors are using it these days. Still, it isn’t a standard test and it is more used in the functional medicine world.With the DUTCH test, you can see how much of the 3 estrogens you are making and how they are broken down. It also takes a look at stress hormones and metabolism. There are even clues to get from the test if your thyroid is working optimally.
You have shared your top 5 symptoms, but I was wondering if you still have symptoms that are related to a low thyroid like:
• Feeling cold
• Feeling slow
• Feeling fatigued
• Hair loss or Thinning of the outer parts of the eyebrows
• Constipation
• Depression
• EtcIf these are still at play, especially hair loss & constipation, I would run a full thyroid panel. Not only TSH, fT4, but also fT3, thyroid antibodies (these can be done usually in the conventional medicine setting, although where I live doctors are a bit hesitant to measure fT3 & thyroid antibodies) and reverse T3 or rT3 for short (which most doctors never heard of).
Reverse T3 can block the action of fT3, the metabolic most active thyroid hormone, and can elevate when there is a lot of stress at play. It also can elevate with infections, which your lab result from June shows signs of as well.
You mention you are using an iron supplement. Sometimes this can lead to constipation as well. If this is the case you could switch to a liquid iron supplement (click here to find one after you have made a profile on fullscript, which is a store for supplements the B Better platform uses)
If you were constipated to begin with using magnesium citrate in the right dosage can help as well.
Iron & Absorption
Iron is a bit of a stubborn element. It doesn’t get absorbed easily. It needs vitamin C in the stomach to activate the enzymes that cleave out the iron in your food. Inflammation in the gut can DEFINITELY reduce iron absorption by increasing a hormone called hepcidin.Chronic gut inflammation should be addressed. I would recommend seeing if digestive enzymes cause some relief if you are experiencing bloating/gas/constipation/diarrhea.
SIBO and/or a microbiome disbalance called dysbiosis can cause inflammation in the gut. Enhanced intestinal permeability or a Leaky gut can be a reason for inflammation as well. With SIBO foods containing FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides Monosaccharides Disaccharides And Polyols) can cause cramps, bloating, constipation/diarrhea and gas. An inexpensive (but maybe a bit overwhelming way, at least in the beginning) is to eat a low FODMAP diet, and see if you are experiencing relief. There are also tests for that available as well, although having a normal transit time makes this test much easier to interpertate.
Sometimes operations done on the gut can lead to malabsorption issues as well, did you have any?
Also, you mentioned you were in India, I assume you live(d) there? Travelling from 1 place to another, eating different foods with different species of bacteria, do you feel that problems became worse after travelling?
High levels of insulin can cause high testosterone in women. I do believe fasting Insulin levels are a much better way to assess insulin resistance than HbA1c. Bernadette recommended an fasting insulin test, I would recommend this as well. Again, this test is available. It can be done in conventional medical settings, but it isn’t the protocol most of the time. At least not where I live.Hopefully, some of this will be helpful for your appointment tomorrow!
Hey ,
Concerning your Hiatal Hernia, I was also wondering if you ever had a professional take a look at your posture. Maybe you did already (in this case you don’t need to read this). But a few dis-balances in posture can cause hiatal hernia as well, like
• Rounded shoulders • Caused by for example tight pectoralis minor/major. Tight hip flexors and abdominal muscles can be part of the problem as well. I would recommend a therapist (like a Chiropractor/Osteopath/Manual Therapist) using Active Release Technique which is a type of ‘massage’ that works really quickly.
• A sternum that goes inwards
• ScoliosisThe focus on healing the stomach/gut lining is important, but if the hiatal hernia isn’t addressed, the chances for reoccurrence of symptoms increase.
Hey ,
Personally, I have never used it with my clients. But that has more to do with how I chose my first supplement interventions. I use a few principles. The most important are probably: what supplements have the most strong data backing them up to address a certain medical condition and what type of safety data is available.
The problem with BPC157 is that it has promising results, but it has never been tested on humans, so there is no safety data or reliable dosage data I believe.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or you can’t try it. I’m just saying I have no experience with it and why I don’t use it as a first-line intervention.
Lucas (one of the guest speakers on B Better) from Boost Your Biology/Ergogenic Health has a nice summary video on it which I will attach. He also mentions a supplement brand. But again, the studies he is mentioning are rat studies.
The only human study I could find was a study for patients with knee pain who were injected with BPC157. There is however a lot of anecdotal information. Some people experience headaches while injecting BPC157 with short-term use. But anecdotal: people have found relief with IBS and stomach issues.
Hey ,
I am replying with a video message because I wanted to show you 3 exercises that you can do to help you with your Hiatal Hernia.
Specially the 2nd exercise (which is more of a massage) can help you with pulling back your stomach through your diafragma. The 3rd one is to strengthen your diafragma.
My apologies, but Youtube chose the thumbnail. From the 8 minute video it chose a really poor frame of the video, but I promise you this is an educational video!
Let me know if these exercises help you!
Hey ,
There are different kinds of gallbladder polyps. Somewhere between 60-90% of the polyps are made of cholesterol and are called pseudopolyps. We know D-Limonene can help dissolve cholesterol. I usually recommend my clients 1000 mg 2x daily, but it has to be this type of polyp. Bile acids might help as well since sometimes it is the lack of bile salts that can lead to those types of polyps or gallstones.
I would also recommend you watch this video where different support for the gallbladder is discussed. Since bile is produced in the liver, some ‘love for the liver’ could help you as well.
Another simple thing that can help is drinking enough water. Water helps the organ empty and keeps the bile from building up.
Be aware that there are different types of polyps. About 5-10% are inflammatory polyps. These are a type of scar tissue caused by chronic inflammation of the gallbladder. In these cases, treatment is more difficult since they are scars. Do you know if your gallbladder was inflamed?
Hey ,
I think gave you really good advice. I would like to add that painkillers can cause some damage to the gut and the stomach. This article from 2006 are describing even elevations in liver enzymes from 2 weeks of use of Tylenol. Painkillers are usually treated as innocent, but they definitely are medications and they can have side effects!
If there is some damage to the lining of the stomach, building up the protective lining can be done by using a supplement like Thorne’s GI-Relief (click here). I usually recommend starting low in dose and when well tolerated, working up to higher doses between meals for at least 2 months.
It is however important to know if the damage to the lining of the gut was done by H. Pylori or painkillers. An infection with H. Pylori should be adressed first/
As an alternative to Tylenol, your mother could experiment with supplements if she is using painkillers to deal with the pain from her osteoarthritis. I sometimes recommend people try Meriva curcumin 2x per day. Boswellia is also an excellent targeted anti-inflammatory for arthritis. Pure encapsulations (click here) has Boswellia you can try.
A little side note to the list of medications you mentioned:
With long-term use of Pantoprazole nutrient deficiencies like calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12 and iron can occur.
Pravastatin can cause deficiencies in selenium, CoQ10 and vitamin E.
Obviously, my message is not to stop her use of medications. But maybe you can recommend to your mother the use of supplements like CoQ10 or a high-quality multivitamin as well!
Hey ,
I agree 100% with . Yeast & mold can be a cause of elevated oxalates. Sometimes yeast & mold can ‘steal’ nutrients, leaving your body with lower values.
What supplements do you currently take? And I’m also interested in what supplements seem to make your condition worse. Have you been using probiotics or saccharomyces boulardii? If so, did this made the symptoms worse or did you tolerated this well?
Hi ,
I can imagine you want the best for your mom! I hope the tips, gave, you can help your mom with her stomach pain.
With what you have written, I am also curious about why your mom needed the aortic valve replacement. Do you know? Did her valve for example needed to be replaced because the valve was calcified and therefore started to leak blood back into the heart? Or was there some other reason?
Are there any medications your mum is taking, for example, painkillers to ease the pain caused by osteoarthritis? Or maybe medications for her heart like beta-blockers?
I am asking because painkillers might ease the pain, but chronic use of painkillers can do some damage to the GI tract as well.
Some beta-blockers can, with long-term use, cause problems with energy production. Beta-blockers can also cause stomach upset and other GI symptoms like nausea, diarrhea or constipation.
If she is using medications, it would help us to know which medications to give you the best possible advice!
Hey ,
I have never heard of it. Is it this lucky fish here? I think the idea is brilliant. I do however have some doubts. It is hard to determine dosages with this fish. More importantly, I can’t tell what form of iron you are actually supplementing with.
Usually water, iron and heat change the metal iron into 4Fe(OH)₃ which is rust. I have never seen this used as a supplement form. Research does show it can reduce anemia (Click here to dive deeper if you would like to).
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ingesting rust in small amounts will not harm your health (unless you have a rare disease called hemochromatosis, which causes your internal organs to retain iron).
Personally, I have my doubts if this is the way to go and wouldn’t recommend it.