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  • Daniel

    March 16, 2023 at 12:15 am in reply to: GI MAP February 2023

    Hey ,

    H. Pylori
    Even if H. Pylori has increased on this test, I wouldn’t focus too much on that. The numbers are still in the lowest part of the reference range. Make sure you focus on the basics. Perhaps you could help me by scoring the next items. Give yourself a 10 when you do these things really great and a 1 if you feel there is room for lots of improvements:
    • Chewing until your food feels semi-liquid in your mouth
    • Taking time to eat
    • Eating without distractions like laptops, phones or other screens
    • Eating sugar, flour products and other refined foods 
    • Going to bed on time
    • Sleeping 7-8 hours
    • Waking up with energy

    These things are really basic but powerful!

    Zonulin & ‘Leaky Gut’
    You can’t really ‘heal’ zonulin. It is something that is produced for example by eating gluten. Perhaps you draw the conclusion of the presence of a leaky gut.

    Your intestinal barrier assessment from 25 January showed low serum zonulin. This test shows elevations of zonulin in the gut. Although there is some time between these tests, it supports the impression that zonulin is staying in the gut.

    Do you know if you consumed wheat products before the test? Mild elevations of zonulin (like yours) in the gut can be present for very normal reasons (like eating wheat before the test). Interpretation of this one marker is not a strong case for the presence of a leaky gut. On the stool test, it would be best to asses the complete ‘intestinal health markers’ section.

    sIgA is low, which can be caused by damage to the gut lining. But stress can lower immune function as well, just like low vitamin D.

    The test didn’t detect parasites, worms, yeast, which are also good signs. But some imbalanced bacterial markers do point to there might be leaky gut present to a certain degree.

    What could you do?
    Try to focus on what you feel. If avoiding gluten makes your symptoms less, try to avoid them. If you believe you aren’t eating gluten, you could replace rice and see if you feel better without rice. Things you eat a lot of can lead to food sensitivities. Food sensitivities can also influence gut barrier function.

    Secretory IgA
    Your thought of trying IGG was a good one. If you are sensitive to milk however this could cause some side effects. Do you know if you are sensitive to milk products?

  • Daniel

    March 15, 2023 at 12:01 pm in reply to: The power of focus

     There are some difficulties with playing videos in the UAE unfortunately, but under the video you will find an explanation on how to get acces as well!!

  • Daniel

    March 15, 2023 at 12:04 am in reply to: Hospital Test For Gall BladderBile Function

    Hey ,

    Finding a liquid version is hard. There are a lot of soft gel supplements that you could cut open like d-limonene from integrative therapeutics and d-limonene from Wellness Resources, but other then that I didn’t find any liquid supplements. I normally would have recommended Jarrow or Swanson as well.

  • Daniel

    March 14, 2023 at 11:34 pm in reply to: GI MAP February 2023

    Hey ,

    Thank you for uploading your test results!

    Selective IgA
    What stands out to me is the low secretory IgA (sIgA). Let me first explain what it is. sIgA is part of the gut epithelial barrier and plays an important role in the development of immune tolerance and plays an important role in balancing the normal and beneficial commensal gut organism.

    sIgA is low, which can lead to imbalances in the gut microbiome. sIgA also prevents pathogens to get into the bodies circulation.

    The good news is, although you are still short on sIgA, the levels are higher as in 2022. Perhaps the little bit of vitamin D you have used in the past weeks/months could contribute to this. We talked about this before, so not exactly a new conclusion comes from this test particular value, but it does emphasize the importants of helping the body raising vitamin D levels. Other key nutrients that help to support the immune system are vitamin A and folate.

    You noticed indeed that Zonulin is high. Elevations in Zonulin open the tight junctions between the cells in the gut lining making it more easy for undigested parts of stool to enter the body.  These tight junctions in order to close need vitamin D as well by the way.

    Reducing Zonulin might give your body more protection from what happens in the gut. Therefore I would avoid gluten containing grains for now.

    Bacterial Markers
    Most of the bacterial markers point to some form of inflammation in the gut.  Bacteroides fragilis (which is low on your most recent test) is anti-inflammatory, while high levels of Enterobacter spp,  for example can contribute to inflammation. There are some clues to low stomach acid, maldigestion and SIBO on the test, which is a confirmation to what we know.

    Occult Blood
    Elevations in occult blood occur when there is more human hemoglobin present in the stool. The colonoscopy you shared looks good, so the problem isn’t there. I am curious about the results on the `histology report. `

    Blood loss because of a small wound can sometimes just happen.`Other reasons why Occult blood can be elevated can be for example due to
    • IBS
    • Bleeding Ulcers
    • Upper GI bleeds that cause iron deficiency anemia

    Bringing balance to the microbiome starts with bringing in the nutrients first. Treating the gut with antimicrobes result in a bigger die-off of the gut bacteria. Some of these bacteria are Gramm negative which means when they die you will be exposed to more lipopolysaccharides(LPS).

    With zonulin elevated and the tight junction being open this could make you more vulnerable. Having your immune system in the most optimal condition will give you more defense and could even contribute to balancing the microbiome as well.

  • Daniel

    March 14, 2023 at 7:22 am in reply to: The power of focus

    Hey ,

    For some reason, I didn’t see your reply. Sorry if I am replying a little late!

    I think you mean the supplements for the hydrochloric acid dosing challenge right?

    You can for example use Thorne’s Betaine HCl & Pepsin for that. It is also available in fullscript and there you can get a discount, but I’m not sure if you are available to use that where you live. If you don’t have a login to the page yet, watch this movie. It explains how to create an account.

    Let me know how things went!

  • Daniel

    March 14, 2023 at 7:10 am in reply to: The Dairy Dilemma

    Hey ,

    How did things go with the Facebook group? Did you get what you wanted?

  • Daniel

    March 13, 2023 at 11:49 pm in reply to: Folate & Zinc

    Sorry, I forgot to mention! I would start with half a dose extra and see how you feel first!

  • Daniel

    March 13, 2023 at 11:48 pm in reply to: Question on Lab report

    Hey ,

    There can be several reasons why you experience chronic coughing. The most common reasons are tobacco, postnasal drip, asthma and acid reflux. With a postnasal drip, you can feel a liquid running through the back of your throat. Food sensitivities could cause these, in particular dairy.

    If you also have a postnasal drip, I recommend seeing what happens when you eliminate dairy products for 4 weeks. A clear sign of food sensitivities causing your cough is when symptoms reduce after a few weeks. Another clear warning that food sensitivities cause these problems is when the symptoms come back when you reintroduce the foods you eliminated.

    Be aware that you need to eliminate these foods 100%.

    If you want to know the specific details on how to do an elimination diet and reintroduce foods, I recommend you read this handout. Since most of the time post nasal drip is caused by dairy products I would recommend you to look at this document where you can find hidden dairy products.

    Supporting the immune system is also important. Nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A and folate are specifically important to the immune system. Make sure you have enough of them in the diet. Here is a handout in which you can find B’s immune-boosting protocol. It also has a homemade cough remedy you could try.

    Again, let us know if you experience other symptoms as well, like wheezing and shortness of breath, or heartburn because they need a different approach.

    If you like to go a step further, there is a connection between Hashimoto’s and food sensitivities.

    Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease. With an autoimmune disease, there is often a connection to gut health. The gut might have an increased enhanced gut permeability (often called ‘leaky gut’) causing undigested foods to enter the body. The immune system then, in time, starts to react more efficiently and aggressively to these undigested foods. In fact, this is exactly how food intolerances are created. But if these undigested foods might resemble tissues from the body (and with Hashimoto’s, this is of course the thyroid tissue), the immune system starts affecting these tissues. Things that cause a leaky gut are for example:
    • Stress
    • Medications like antibiotics, oral contraceptives and use of NSAIDs 
    • Gluten 
    • Gut diseases like Celiac disease and Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    • Other sources of inflammation in the gut for example high histamine levels.

    It is therefore helpful for us to know if you also experience gut-related symptoms like: gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, pain & cramps.

    What can you do?
    Supporting the gut can be done on various levels. I already mentioned vitamin D. Having optimal vitamin D levels will also help to close the doors (tight junctions) between the cells in the gut.

    With autoimmune diseases, I often recommend my clients to eliminate dairy and gluten. Preferably not only gluten, but all grains.

    Adding in nutrients and supplements that heal the gut might help as well. Things like zinc l-carnosine, aloe vera, miscellaneous herbs, bone broth, L- glutamine, and cabbage juice are all options. There are also really great supplements on the market that are blends of these ingredients, for example:
    • DGL PLus from Pure Encapsulations (doesn’t contain glutamine)
    • GI Revive from Designs for Health (which does contain glutamine)

    Thank you for posting your labs! I assume you are using thyroid medication. Did you recently change the dosage of your medication? And are you currently experiencing any thyroid-related symptoms?

    There are some elevations in bilirubin. This can be caused by biliary congestion for example or an increased breakdown of red blood cells since bilirubin is a breakdown product of red blood cells.

    Did your doctor choose to explore why your bilirubin is elevated? Tests that usually are done are 
    • Liver function tests. Blood tests measure certain enzymes or proteins in your blood. Besides ALT (which was measured in your labs) there are other liver function tests, like AST and Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Albumin and total protein. Levels of albumin — a protein made by the liver — and total protein show how well your liver is making certain proteins. These proteins are necessary for your body to fight infections and perform other functions.
    • Complete blood count. This test measures several components and features of your blood.

    If biliary congestion is at play I often recommend the use of D-limonene, D-limonene is a supplement that is often used to help bile flow. I usually recommend my clients around 1000 mg/day for 2 months.

    Having an optimal bile flow is important for gut health as well since bile helps to grow the beneficial bacteria in your gut and keep the opportunistic bacteria away.

    I know I spend a lot of time diving into gut health. It often is important when the auto-immune disease is at play.

  • Daniel

    March 11, 2023 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Folate & Zinc

    Hey ,

    I would stay with this B complex. With my clients, I would recommend to ad a liquid folate product so you can finetune serum levels. For example Super Liquid Folate from Designs for Health. It also contains a little bit of vitamin B12.

    Vitamin D is fat-soluble and gets even better absorbed with food. I would definitely recommend combining all fat-soluble vitamins with foods that contain a little bit of fat.

    Epsom salts can be used as a source of magnesium. I personally don’t recommend them often because of 2 reasons:
    • If you like to use Epsom salt in baths, you need to do this consistently. I find that most of my clients don’t stay consistent with this method.
    • Magnesium Sulphate is also used as a supplement. It has a more laxative effect and we aren’t exactly sure how well magnesium sulphate is absorbed in the gut.

    A well-absorbable alternative for magnesium is magnesium glycinate. Did you try this form of magnesium?

    If you are low on calcium and vitamin D, raising vitamin D could impact calcium absorption already a lot raising your serum levels. If you like to use supplements temporarily (since vitamin D isn’t raised in a few days), you could add a supplement, and see how it makes you feel.

    Just go low and slow since calcium can cause constipation.

    I hope these tips help you!

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 10:22 pm in reply to: The baby pouch with no baby

    Hey ,

    I was just wondering if you already tried the baking soda test!

    Corn is one of the more common food sensitivities and yes, that can cause bloating.

    Often we can develop food sensitivities to the foods we eat the most. The list of foods you mentioned could therefore be something you could try to replace for a few weeks. See if the bloating gets reduced.

    Are you craving chips because you crave salty foods? If so, this can be an indication to stress. With depressed cortisol, we tend to loose sodium leaving us with cravings to salty snacks. And unfortunately, chips can cause bloating for a variety of reasons. But if it is the salt you need, you could try sole!

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 10:11 pm in reply to: Diet during parasite cleanse

    Hey ,

    How was your cleanse experience? Did it went well?

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 10:09 pm in reply to: Mold inspection + cleaning – Dubai

    Hey ,

    How did things go with the mold inspector? Just asking because I was curious!

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Chronic UTI

    Hey ,

    I hope you could already implement some of Bernadette’s excellent tips. Sorry that the response is a little late!

    Cortisol affects our electrolyte balance. The body tries to elevate blood pressure, heartbeat and blood sugar with stress.

    I believe these blood draws were taken soberly in the morning, weren’t they? If so, the optimal for blood glucose would be levels below 90. Elevations above can happen because of stress (which can influence the immune system) or insulin resistance. So this measurement is not really precise to measure stress, but it can be a clue.

    Elevations of hemoglobin could be due to dehydration. There could be different reasons of course – but does this one resonate with you?

    I hope you experiencing relief by now!

    Elevations in creatinine and CRP are probably caused by the UTI  since both markers get elevated with infections.

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Iron infusion or not

    Hey ,

    I was wondering how things went with your doctor! What did you decide to do?

  • Daniel

    March 10, 2023 at 8:32 pm in reply to: Probiotics for Hashimoto’s

    Hey ,

    It was my pleasure!

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