Does Winter Make You ‘SAD’? (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Winter is here and low mood often comes along with it. But Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, is more than just “winter blues”.
SAD is characterized by 2 weeks or more of depressive mood with symptoms ranging from disturbed sleep, low motivation and interest, low energy, increased appetite, and feeling hopeless or worthless.
The good news is that the following combo can usually help alleviate symptoms of SAD significantly:
1️⃣ Vitamin D3:
Low vitamin D can lead to a higher incidence of colds and flu, as well as depression. If you’re prone to getting sick and depressed with seasonal changes, check your vitamin D level.
????????Optimal ranges vary between 50-70ng/ml but ask your practitioner what’s right for you.
2️⃣ Omega-3 (especially DHA):
Mild depression combined with dry skin and general fatigue not caused by anemia or low thyroid usually points to a need for more omega-3 essential fatty acids.
EPA and DHA are two types of Omega-3s predominantly found in fish and marine algae.
????????If you supplement, make sure it has at least 500mg of each form, or higher amounts of DHA since it’s preferentially found in the brain.
3️⃣ Full-Spectrum or Near-Infrared Light Therapy:
Our brain regulates our circadian rhythm in response to light, sound, and activity.
With the increased winter darkness, it’s actually normal to get tired earlier and want to sleep in longer. If you can, do it! But if you can’t, fake it!
???????? Doing full spectrum light therapy (ex. HappyLight) upon rising and in the late afternoon when the sun sets early can help energize the brain longer.
???????? Several studies have also shown a reduction in anxiety and depression with transcranial (close to the head) near-infrared light therapy. Checkout the BioLight (use can use discount code BERN10).
4️⃣ Daily movement:
Results in several meta-analysis studies show that exercise has a moderate to large antidepressant effect. More reason to move yo’ body daily!
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