Do You have ‘Leaky Brain’?

I’ve talked about ‘leaky gut’ before but did you know that it can also predispose us to ‘leaky brain’?

????????This is a condition where the protective layer between the brain and the rest of the systemic body called the ‘blood-brain barrier’ (BBB) becomes permeable, and lets toxins and other materials in that causes the brain’s immune system to work overdrive, leading to brain inflammation.

In other words, if you suffer from depression, anxiety, brain fog or any other brain problems, blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability (i.e. ‘leaky brain’) should be considered.

????How to tell if you have ‘leaky brain’? Luckily, there are functional tests available to check if you have:

1️⃣ Low Vitamin D. You can read here on how to raise vitamin D!

2️⃣ High homocysteine. This amino acid has been linked with blood-brain barrier damage. Too much can cause inflammation and often indicates a need for a B complex (typically the methylated form!).

3️⃣ Eating gluten increases zonulin protein secretion in the gut. High zonulin levels increase the size of the gaps in both your intestinal tract and blood-brain barrier! A gluten-free diet often resolves brain fog & anxiety.????????

4️⃣ Chronic brain inflammation from an unhealthy gut, leaky gut and heavy metal toxicity increases a protein called ‘microRNA-155’.

In fact, bacterial imbalances and yeast overgrowth are very common in those with anxiety and depression.

And in my experience, parasitic infections very often go hand-in-hand with heavy metal toxicity all of which can lead to low-grade systemic inflammation.

The bottom line is that the gut-brain connection is a key puzzle piece that is not to be overlooked when addressing brain health.

Mental health is no joke – according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 5 adults live with a mental illness.

So what can be done?

1️⃣ Work with a functional practitioner or naturopath who can help you get to the bottom of any gut infections and heavy metal toxicity. I’ve tagged a few resources to help your search.

2️⃣ Control what you can control – which are many:

✔️Reduce or eliminate brain zappers like sugary foods & gluten.

A recent study showed that blood sugar fluctuations in diabetics caused microglia (the brain’s immune soldiers) to activate, leading to brain inflammation.

✔️Cut back or eliminate alcohol as it is stressful to the brain, and some studies suggest it can damage the BBB.

✔️Manage your stress. Research suggests that acute stress increases BBB destruction. Yoga, meditation, massages, deep breathing, or even watching stand-up comedy can all be effective ways to mitigate stress.

✔️Walk, jog, swim, rebound – any type of aerobic exercise can help increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, which promotes the health of brain and nerve cells.

✔️Reduce brain inflammation with natural compounds such as apigenin found mostly in chamomile tea, catechins found in matcha tea, and curmumin found in turmeric.

✔️Get a minimum of 15 minutes daily sun exposure (or supplement with vitamin D) since vitamin D deficiency is linked to both leaky gut and leaky brain.????

✔️Place your mobile phone away from your head by using the speakerphone or EMF radiation-free headset. EMF radiation has been shown to damage the BBB.

I hope you see just how much is within your control!

And remember, we do Better when we know Better!

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