Common Causes of Fatigue

Recently, I asked you to list your top 5 health struggles you’d like to resolve. FATIGUE was up there!⁣
⁣And since it’s a BIG topic with so many possible root causes, I figured I’d start off by sharing the most common causes:⁣

⁣1️⃣ Insulin resistance = the cells can’t absorb sugar for energy, so there’s low cellular energy. FYI – a diet high in sugar and carbs (flour products), and chronic stress can lead to this dynamic!⁣
⁣2️⃣ Hormone imbalance: low cortisol (usually from chronic stress) impacts thyroid function by increasing the inactive “Reverse T3” and making the active “Free T3” less available for action.⁣
⁣Similarly, estrogen dominance can increase Thyroid Binding Globulin, so free hormones will be reduced and hypothyroid symptoms experienced.⁣
⁣3️⃣ Chronic infections like SIBO, parasites, mold and nasty viruses like EBV and CMV, along with environmental & food sensitivities can burden the immune system and adrenals, which brings us back to point #2 about low cortisol. ⁣
⁣4️⃣ Heavy metals like arsenic, lead, mercury, aluminum, etc directly block energy production in the mitochondria. Muscles have the most mitochondria so if you feel fatigue soon after exercise, think mitochondria & toxins!⁣
⁣Similarly, cholesterol meds (statins) stop the liver from making CoQ10 needed for energy production. Same with beta blockers for high blood pressure. Speak to your doc about CoQ10 supplementation.⁣
⁣5️⃣ Nutrient deficiencies like B vitamins, iron and for example can lead to anemia, where the body can’t carry enough oxygen to tissues. Low oxygen = feeling tired more easily.⁣
⁣6️⃣ Sleeping late. The physical repair process happens before midnight so get to bed earlier! I personally feel a big difference when I sleep at 10pm vs. 11pm. That 1 hour makes all the difference!⁣
⁣I know that was A LOT of info… ⁣but we do better when we know better.

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