Choco-Fruit Popsicles



I stumbled across this amazing chocolate kiwi popsicle photo and just had to share this idea with you. 

Although I enjoyed the banana nut Popsicle that I made a few weeks back, they didn’t pass the kid test.  So back to the drawing board I go, attempting another healthy treat for my kids which I’m sure this time around they will not refuse!

I always find that involving my children in the kitchen makes them more willing to try different foods.  

So if you or your children don’t enjoy eating fruits, this is a great way to introduce different varieties and flavors.

Using cookie cutters, you can have your kids cut up the fruits into different shapes and sizes and then dip them into the chocolate. 

For this recipe, I used pineapple, kiwi, and dragon fruit but feel free to use any other fruit that you prefer. 

I enjoyed the pineapple and dragon fruit popsicle more than the kiwi simply because the kiwi was too hard to bite into, but all of the flavors were sinfully delicious!


Servings:  Makes ~12 to 15 Popsicle of various shapes and sizes



Fruits, peeled and cut into 1 inch thick shapes

1 C (120g) 70% dark chocolate, chopped (the darker the chocolate, the healthier it is)

½ C coconut oil

Popsicle or lollipop sticks



1. Gently insert sticks into each fruit.  Place fruit-pops onto a tray in the freezer until completely frozen.



2. Melt chocolate and coconut oil over a double boiler. Let it cool to room temperature.

3. Dip frozen fruit-pops into the chocolate mixture. Chocolate will harden immediately.

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4. Refreeze on a tray or enjoy right away!

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[yumprint-recipe id=’5′] 

So easy and simply delicious! Be sure to let me know your favorites!  Enjoy…




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