4 Possible Causes of Post-Covid Hair Loss

One of my beta members asked for suggestions in our private B Better community on how to deal with post-C hair loss.

⁣I thought I would share my reply with all of you too since it’s a pretty common occurrence.

Below are the 4 main causes of hair loss after getting covid:

While some experienced it transiently, others are still struggling with hair loss and hair growth.⁣

Hopefully, this post helps some of the possible mechanisms of action that can lead to hair loss after an infection, and some testing suggestions to ask your doctor about. I’ll also share more as I learn more.  
⁣By the way, I’m receiving amazing feedback so far from my beta members so hopefully not too long before I officially open the doors to the public.
⁣If you’re not yet on my waiting list to be notified when I launch, you can sign up here.
If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below. And please feel free to share this with someone you know who can benefit.

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