8 Habits For Healthier Cell Phone Use

Chances are, you’re probably holding your cell phone while reading this, right?
For most of us, cell phones are never more than an arm’s reach away.
And while it’s very easy to say avoid using cell phones, let’s be real. That’s not going to happen.
But what we CAN all start doing is practicing healthier habits when using our cell phones.
Why bother?
Well in the past 100 years, electropollution (or EMFs – electromagnetic fields) has increased by 1 QUINTILLION – that’s a billion billions!!
And even very low levels have been shown to impact our biology (resource link in comments) resulting in the ???????????? 10 ????????????-???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????:
✔️Sleep disturbance/insomnia
✔️Brain fog/difficulty concentrating
✔️Memory loss
✔️Visual disruption/light sensitivity
✔️Skin problems
✔️Heart palpitations/dizziness
✔️Ringing in ears/tinnitus
⚠️Those living closest to cell towers experience the strongest health symptoms.
While it’s hard to escape its effects (but not impossible), we can start to minimize our EMF exposure by prioritizing how we use the devices most frequently used and in closest proximity to us like our cell phones (see the infographics below).

????Bottom line: Always try to create as much distance as possible between you and your cell phone and disable extra connections when not in use.
I hope this was helpful! Please feel free to leave your comments or questions below.