2 Easy Ways To Eat More Liver

Liver is one of those prized superfoods I wish I had introduced earlier into my kids’ diets.

⁣Liver has the highest source of bioavailable vitamin A, meaning it’s in a form (retinol) that can be directly used by the body unlike plant sources of vitamin A (carotene) which need to be converted to retinol.⁣

What is vitamin A good for?
⁣✔️Epithelial integrity: skin, urinary tract, lungs, GI lining, blood brain barrier⁣
⁣✔️Immunity & tissue repair: without it can get chronic infections like UTI’s & slow healing⁣
⁣✔️Mucus formation in lungs, sinus cavities & mouth preventing infections⁣
⁣✔️Protects eye health⁣
⁣✔️Sex hormone formation⁣
⁣✔️Thyroid function⁣
⁣…to name a few

⁣Liver is also a good source of bioavailable ????????????????, ???? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????/????9, ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????!⁣

Traditionally, cultures considered organs sacred food and was used to promote fertility and conception.

⁣It’s definitely an acquired taste though and while most people want to eat them, they find it hard to swallow…

⁣⁣⁣In my upcoming book UNJUNK, I share 2 liver recipes; my mom’s traditional Lebanese liver recipe and an amazing buttery liver pate recipe by @paulfrangie7

⁣But I understand that sometimes even the best recipe still doesn’t make it palatable enough for some, so hopefully, my 2 tips will help give you a few more options to try.⁣
⁣Hope this was helpful! Let me know if you’re going to try!⁣
⁣If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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