MS91 posted an update 5 days ago
What advice do you have for hemorrhoids treatment and management . is there any medication / prosucts for treatment / releif/ managment .
1. I tried to post this in rhe forums section but couldnt recognoze the relevant forum
2 . Lifestyle : whilst there is an actove life style; there is also alot of longhaul work related travel…
Hi @MS91 – we have a few resources that can hopefully help you with that.
Please read through our Hemorrhoids Rapid Relief protocol here: https://bbettermembership.com/resource-library/health-conditions/hemorrhoids-rapid-relief/
And of course, always investigate possible root causes if it’s a recurring problem. Our Symptom Dictionary handout…
MS91 posted an update a week ago
With a lot of upcoming work travel (long haul flights) over short time frames; I would like to know what I can consider to help my body. I try and drink lots of fluids with electrolytes..anything else? Thanks
Hello @MSaif – we have several resources that can help with that.
1. Please read this post for Jet Lag Tips: https://bbettermembership.com/jet-lag-tips/
2. Please read our “Travel Health Prevention & Traveler’s Diarrhea” Protocol: https://bbettermembership.com/resource-library/preventive-post-care/travel-health-prevention-travelers-diarrhea/
3. On…
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Thank you
Very helpful
MS91 started the discussion Joint Pain in the forum 2 years ago
Hi Bernadette, Hi All,
I recently started experiencing joint pain. Initially i thought this was post workouts muscle soreness buts its resisting a little longer than normal muscle soreness. I feel it in my knees; hands (wrists and mainly fingers). I tried to look up Joint pain under the symptom dictionary but couldn’t find anything … How… Read more