Forum Replies Created

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  • Konrad

    November 26, 2023 at 9:04 am in reply to: Estrogen Dominance: How can you recognize it? (Plus Ovulation 101!)

    what an effort! Thank you!
    I have 3 questions of you don’t mind so o can understand this whole thing better.

    1- Women with estrogen dominance and COMT how they have to manage during perimenopause and menopause??

    2- what is the good ratio between progesterone and estradiol via regular blood test on day 21 of the cycle to know if there is estrogen dominance?

    3- can you help with these results on day 21 of cycle for 50 years old lady and regular cycle.
    Estradiol 112.6 (literal phase: 43.8-211 pg/ml)
    Progesterone: 1 (1.7-27 ng/ml)
    Testosterone: 1.58 H (0.1-1.4 nmol/ L)

    She’s taking 20mg natural progesterone cream from NOW supplement as she has no access to compounding pharmacy)

    And what’s the reason of elevated testosterone? Is the cream has some ingredients that can elevate it?

    Thank you

  • Konrad

    November 22, 2023 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Blood test results

    no HbA1c and I’m surprised honestly. Regarding the latest lymphocytes results as I said the blood was drawn after 12 days from being sick I don’t know if it was covid or not but it was mild. And she didn’t have severe covid previously. I think in her case ficus should be on oxidative stress and stress management

  • Konrad

    November 21, 2023 at 2:22 pm in reply to: Blood test results

    thank you B. I love your brain! So, she was on day 7 of her cycle when this was done. Also, I just learned she takes 2.5mg anti thyroid medication for hyperthyroidism(levels in range that’s why low dose) and now I know the neutrophils could be lower because of this medicine. Right?

    I’ll attached her CBC from January this year. As I said her results now were 12 days post infection (cold) and first time she has neutrophils absolute not in range.
    Usually neutrophils and lymphocyte ratio are the problem and always WBC on lower side of normal. B, do you also believe that lymphocyte to neutrophils optimal ratio should be 1:2? And from your second comment the relation between high neutrophils and bacteria also high lymphocyte and virus so here in the first results in the post it’s showing virus. What about the results I attached now? Low neutrophils and normal to high lymphocytes?

    Definitely she’s dehydrated.
    Also stressed.

    In July her fasting insulin was 5.2 (3-17)
    Glucose fasting 96
    Insulin resistance 1.35 (<2.10)

  • Konrad

    November 13, 2023 at 8:57 am in reply to: Blood test results

    oh, and she’s menstruating regularly. May I ask what is the connection here?

  • Konrad

    November 13, 2023 at 2:38 am in reply to: Blood test results

    hi there. No symptoms, but had major stress few months ago.
    Glucose most probably from stress, she’s on low/moderate carbs diet, exercise regularly since 3 weeks, insulin and HbA1c all were optimal two months ago except for fasting glucose which why I think it’s stress results.

    Lately she started for first time in her life to take creatine before workout about 2-3 g

  • Konrad

    October 31, 2023 at 1:47 pm in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    you’re a star and giving from heart is what makes this community standing out and shining provided by your knowledge. Thank you

  • Konrad

    October 31, 2023 at 3:24 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    but mastic gum has nothing to do with HCL, right? Any document or posts you shared about stomach acid?

  • Konrad

    October 30, 2023 at 8:55 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    would you consider anything else than HCL supplement? bitters have same function?

  • Konrad

    October 28, 2023 at 3:29 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    my understand since it’s better not to boost stomach acid while h pylori still there so it’s better to wait until retesting to make sure it’s gone.

  • Konrad

    October 26, 2023 at 6:17 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    thank you for explaining further B. You’re a gem. When supporting stomach acid after the pylori would you wait after 45 days until retesting?

  • Konrad

    October 19, 2023 at 11:44 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    thank you B. Yes I felt there is some technical issue. I got what you’re saying 100% thyroid can be affected by pylori right? So treating pylori should get thyroid better if it was the cause. Actually I did breath test and I was able to see actual numbers and not only positive and negative.

  • Konrad

    October 19, 2023 at 8:57 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    so please can you clarify these points to me:

    – how do we know how long should we carry on with the treatment especially symptoms usually cease after two weeks from treatment and sometimes earlier. If we stop after 30 or 45 or 60 days and wait 45 days to test and it came back positive. Then we have to repeat the whole treatment?

    – the Matula tea company want to retest immediately after the course in this case high percentage that results will be failed negative after treatment which make me feel they are playing with the refund thing.

    – are you saying inky the mentioned test is valid? Breath test and stool test at the hospital are not accurate? What I know that urea breath test is better than any other test.

    Thank you for clarifying and for your time.
    Stress from what we are witnessing these days isn’t helping but I need to wrap my head around these details.
    Thank you B and please note it took me to rewrite twice this reply and then third one copy and paste to send it as it was giving me “web error” I forgot to screenshot it.

  • Konrad

    October 19, 2023 at 2:04 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    And the 1g mastic gum do you recommend taking it once for example morning or decided into two doses ?

  • Konrad

    October 19, 2023 at 2:03 am in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    sorry I didn’t notice and didn’t get notification. One more thing, if we are getting the natural antimicrobial treatment for h pylori, as you said sometimes we need to treat it between 30 to 90 days . So, when it is the right moment to test? Can we do it while still taking supplements so we don’t interrupt the treatment or what exactly?

  • Konrad

    October 18, 2023 at 2:53 pm in reply to: H pylori and stomach acid

    can you Please answer the above questions? Thank you

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