Forum Replies Created

  • Nadine

    September 21, 2024 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hi Berna, thank you so much, yes he did reply and said he will come as soon as possible.

  • Nadine

    September 20, 2024 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hello Berna,

    Thank you for your detailed answers, forgot to give you a very important note, Ciel was born with fused sagittal craniosynostosis sutures, surgery was performed back in 2015 when she was about 3 months, she had blood transfusion at that time and they didn’t allow to use ours, is blood transfusions dangerous and could lead to DNA change/Cancer?

    ciella goes to bathroom once a day, I was planning to make the pickles with salt but could you please confirm why you wanted me to avoid vinegar, is it because of her intestine? Because yesterday she had a lung x-ray as she’s coughing (not frequent) usually I take care of these things at home but because now I am worried about her in a different way, so I had to, I knew there were kids coughing in her class but I didn’t want to risk it. So after the x-ray I gave her the x-ray detox homeopath pellets, green juice, vitamin c, chloropure by naka and made her a hot bath with apple cider vinegar, sea salt, baking soda and put few capsules of viradchem by cellcore, is apple cider vinegar not okay in this case?

    For the air filter, I thought we were using the best one, it was recommended by Michael when they serviced the AC’s back in 2022 and we have the blueair healthprotect 7770i but lately I am hearing about the IQ AIR, planning to get it at least for her now also working on the mattresses specially the one you have shared because the ones I have found they are all overseas like avocado green mattress, natruralmat, and samina sleep, not sure which one is the best.

    I have received the MycoTox tests results for ciel, attaching it with her recent blood work that we did yesterday.

    Thanks a million.

  • Nadine

    September 18, 2024 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hello Berna,

    Thank you for your reply and for coping up with our case daily, I will try to look for the D-Limonene, how about activated charcoal and takesumi?

    Can I use castor oil on her body daily?

    Melatonin spray at night? Does it really pull out fungal growth?

    I am giving her green juice everyday, do we need to avoid veggies?

    Can I give her Yogurt? Flax seeds?

    Apricot seeds?

    Planning to make cucumber pickles with salt at home.

    Therasage sauna for her is okay?

    Although she has the BlueAir hepaa air filter I am not letting her sleep in her room, I will be waiting for Omar’s inspection.

    When all that started happening and when we checked blood tests with tumor markers package we were away for two months, eating out all the time which we are not used to, one time I had bad food poisoning this is when I told you that they gave me flagyl and ciprobay, and I got better right away within 24 hours, my condition was worse than ciella’s but she also had diarrhoea and I could tell that her stool wasn’t normal and very similar to mine but when we did stool tests strangely nothing was showing, E Coli was negative but I really thought we had something. I have ordered the OAT and the MycoTox tests for myself now, so we can compare.

    Every day I double check her room, every place and every corner, trying to find the reason, now I am thinking and googling a lot about mattresses/beddings that has fibreglass in them. Her mattress is still looking new not mouldy not smelly no spots at all, we use mattress and pillows protectors that get washed regularly, I have hygiene OCD and this mattress wasn’t expensive, it was from ikea I went to their website to try to find out if it has fibreglass but found out that it got discontinued, so this made me more suspicious, I called them, they said someone will call me back but they didn’t, we decided we will change the mattress and all beddings, any recommendations for safe ones? Her ikea mattress name “ MORGEDAL” from your point of view if the mattress has fibreglass do you think this is the reason? Is there any places where we can test mattresses and beddings?

  • Nadine

    September 17, 2024 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Thank you so much, can I give her milk thistle capsules and or dandelion capsules?

  • Nadine

    September 17, 2024 at 11:40 am in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Ohh, I am lost now I feel numb since yesterday, and don’t know what to do, I don’t want to take her to hospitals cause right away they will need to do ct scans and maybe other stuff, in the same time I don’t want her to know anything. I have emailed to order the same OAT and Mycotox tests for myself in case it might help with the investigation. I have also contacted Omar by calling and whatsapp but there’s no reply. How about water fasting? Or juice fasting?

  • Nadine

    September 16, 2024 at 5:50 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    <font face=”.SFUI-Regular”>Hello Berna,</font>

    In the the past few days I started giving Ciel

    Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) capsules

    Oregano capsules

    Olive leaf capsules

    Black seed nigella capsules

    Curcumin capsules

    Yesterday I repeated the CA 19-9 along with other tests. Today I received some of the tests and the results of the CA 19-9 got higher from 72 to 148 in 20 days. I am extremely worried now.

    Her Immunoglobulin, IgG is also high

    Her Bilirubin is highly

    Her LDH is low

    What that can be interpreted to please, I am attaching the new released blood work.

  • Nadine

    September 15, 2024 at 2:14 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hello Berna,

    Thank you so much for your answer, yes I have done all these thing, I have actually seen this video of yours before and asked you about the mold inspector; Michael and we got them already and they did all the cleaning but I wasn’t satisfied and kept smelling something, I am very sensitive to mold and can smell it even when others can’t, also I have hygiene OCD. So I asked my husband to change all the ducting to be sure. We have got the HEPPA blue air purifier and a humidifier.

    For her teeth I am planning to take her to Dr. Rose clinic the one you have recommended.

    Generally her teeth are perfect, no decays, brushes twice a day, we care a lot about hygiene in general specially oral hygiene, she has no visible dental issues, she’s never been to a dentist, I have one note in regards to her teeth, she has one baby tooth (upper left lateral incisor) which is supposed to be shedded 7-8 years of age like the others but it is still there, and part of it is turning pink color.

    Is there any supplements that can help her to cleanse and detox from the fungal growth in her intestines? Could that be from December 2022 when I found out about the smell in the AC? Or you believe this is something else, human body won’t be able to cleanse itself if mold was treated?

    We have repeated the tests again again today and added extra tests, as for the MycoTox test results, I am still waiting for them, not sure why it wasn’t sent with the OAT.

  • Nadine

    September 13, 2024 at 12:24 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Yes we have done both OAT test and the Mycotox urine test as well, but they haven’t sent it to me, as for the heavy metals it was blood test. In 2022 I have done air testing for mold through the ImmunoLytics lab and results were not good for Ciel’s room, we have then “changed” all the AC ductings and last time I have repeated the air quality test was in February 2024 and was good and we are using the BlueAir machines, could you please advise.

  • Nadine

    August 19, 2024 at 8:45 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hi Berna, thank you for your answer, as per yours recommendation I would like to repeat the OAT test and the toxicity test, could you please guide me with the information and the process, I am also attaching another test which I received today showing the Squamous Cell Carcinoma SCC Antigen serum high.

  • Nadine

    August 16, 2024 at 5:37 am in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker
  • Nadine

    August 16, 2024 at 5:35 am in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker
  • Nadine

    June 9, 2023 at 3:04 pm in reply to: test post

    Hi Berna, received 

  •  Dear Bernadette, I couldn’t just say thank you earlier, I wanted to take my time and explain how grateful I am, I know that you hear the sentence “thank you” a lot and everyday, many people think holistic practitioners have extra time or nothing to do, so they can always help online and many question why they wouldn’t answer or diagnose online thinking that it won’t take from their time, long story short, last night i went crazy from my daughter’s blood work results, couldn’t sleep kept searching, me and my husband were waiting for the morning to go to the doctor office, the doctor just said don’t worry there’s nothing I wasn’t relieved till I saw your report, I want to let everyone know, for people who care about details your answer wasn’t just an answer, it was full report of probabilities, causes, reading the results, analysing, setting future plan to investigate further and sending out needed tests plan, which made us go back to the doctor to ask him to write for the urine and stool tests today, I felt lucky that I had a doctor a message away. Made me feel that I did something good for my kids being part of your community. It is in fact a luxury. Thanks a million. Will do her urine and stool test tomorrow, your recommend blood work will do it in 3 weeks and wanted to check; how we can do the OAT? We are very much interested, we are based in Abu Dhabi, is it a blood sample? 

  • Nadine

    September 17, 2024 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Yes, definitely I wish to participate, want to protect everyone specially kids and get people treated in a proper way, i am only worried if it needs a lot time. But would love to help in

  • Nadine

    September 12, 2024 at 2:29 pm in reply to: Follow Up for my 8 years old Tumour Marker

    Hello Berna,

    Hope that all is well, kindly find enclosed Ciel’s OAT test results with the latest blood results. I have noticed that she has extremely high intestinal fungal overgrowth, is this associated with her CA19-9 and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Antigen elevated markers? shall I give her Flagyl?