Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Replay in the forum General Discussions 6 weeks ago
Hi @Kkol – oh boy, I guess we really need to improve the layout and ease of finding what our members need. I’d love any critical and constructive feedback you can provide us. In fact, if you’re open to it, can we schedule a zoom call? I’d love to hear your experience as a member to see how we can improve your experience.
So, back to your…
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Dengue Fever in the forum Immunity, Getting Sick & Antibiotics 7 weeks ago
Hi @paulina – thank you for copying your message over to the forum. 🙂 You’ll be able to find all of your previous discussions and replies in your Community Profile under the “Forums” tab.
Since Dengue fever is caused by a virus transmitted through mosquito bites, antibiotics won’t be effective because they treat bacterial infections, not viral…
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Air Fryer in the forum General Discussions 7 weeks ago
Hi @naslam1603 – we have a great thread about air fryers which you can find here to read my response and other members’ too.
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Fever of 1,2 y.o child after vaccination in the forum Child Health 7 weeks ago
Fever of 1,2 y.o child after vaccination
Hi @iryna_klevetenko – it’s common to get a fever following vaccination as a side effect, especially in younger children, which is generally a sign that the body is fighting what was injected and hopefully building immunity against it. Unfortunately, they add adjuvants to vaccines to get the body to react – that’s the not so great part.
Dr. Elana Roumell - How to Feel Empowered About Vaccines for Your Children B Better
Join B Better, a holistic health community offering expert advice, live Q&A sessions, and wellness resources. Start your free 5-day trial today and take charge of your well-being—no credit card required!
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion H. Pylori & Histamine in the forum General Discussions 2 months ago
@naslam1603 thanks for the recommendation! I’d love to add more content about histamine so will consider it!
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Quantum in the forum General Discussions 2 months ago
@naslam1603 side note – why do your posts always have extra characters like <div>? Is it the way you’re accessing the site?
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Quantum in the forum General Discussions 2 months ago
@naslam1603 yes, he’s just finishing up that course and we hope to release it in Jan! It will be a free course for B Better members!
I trust you will get good results with Geoffrey because he looks beyond the physical as he explained in the session. I’m glad you’re opening up to the idea of this realm of healing.
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Methylene blue in the forum General Discussions 2 months ago
@Kkol I have personally never tried methylene blue but I have done some research on it to learn more, and the Just Blue by Troscriptions is a trusted brand. You can learn more here about their products.
Low dose methylene blue does have many health benefits such as having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and mitochondrial-supportive properties…
Troscriptions® produces precision dosed, physician formulated, and pharmaceutical grade formulations delivered through a buccal troche.
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Graves’ disease relapse in the forum Symptoms & Health Conditions 2 months ago
@Kkol sometimes the inactive ingredients can be less than ideal (like titanium dioxide for example), and the side effects can be worse than herbal antiparasitic since they are stronger.
But the bigger issue is effectiveness. While medications are fast-acting and targeted for adult parasites, 3 days is usually not enough time to get all…
Bernadette_Abraham replied to the discussion Quantum in the forum General Discussions 2 months ago
@naslam1603 Great question. It’s something I dove deeper into last year and I’m still learning about it through practice and meditation.
At its core, “quantum” comes from quantum physics, which is all about the behavior of energy and matter on the tiniest level… think atoms and subatomic particles. It’s mind-blowing stuff because particles…
Join B Better, a holistic health community offering expert advice, live Q&A sessions, and wellness resources. Start your free 5-day trial today and take charge of your well-being—no credit card required!
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