Forum Replies Created

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  • AlFa

    July 23, 2023 at 3:24 am in reply to: Chicken/Meat in Dubai

    what about Daar Zood, which are part of AlRawdah? It states that they are free range, slow growth and no hormones or antibiotics, but then again alRawdah have chicken products that don’t state it’s organic so not sure. Also, alKhaznah? But it only states no added hormones.

  • AlFa

    June 10, 2023 at 2:23 pm in reply to: 8year old seeing rainbow floaters

    good tips. Will sure try that. I’m concerned about the blood sugar test. He’s afraid of needles and i’m sure his stress levels will go up at the time of test.

    I saw the power point presentation and just want to confirm that the following tests are sufficient:

    Helpful Lab Markers for Testing Blood Sugar Status:

    • Fasting glucose
    • Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) or Fructosamine or glycated albumin
    • Fasting insulin or C-Peptide
    • Triglycerides
    • Glucose tolerance test
    • HOMA-IR

  • AlFa

    June 9, 2023 at 4:20 am in reply to: 8year old seeing rainbow floaters

    Also, he constantly complains of being tired first thing in the morning despite being in bed by 8:00pm and releasing his energy during the day with activities.

  • AlFa

    June 8, 2023 at 6:15 am in reply to: 8year old seeing rainbow floaters

    thank you. It is direct now. Other symptoms: constant irritation. Anger. Frustration. Sweet craving. Forgetfulness. Night Bed wetting at times.

  • AlFa

    June 3, 2023 at 7:44 am in reply to: 8year old seeing rainbow floaters

    thank you. Interesting information. Yes, some of the symptoms are present! I sure pray it’s not diabetes.

    Ophthalmologist didn’t mention migraines. He did have a headache few months ago. He felt that there was vibration with every step and move he took. I took him to the chiropractor who worked on his neck at the time since he was kicked in the face by his class mate. The floaters started before the incident. The blurry vision just last week.

    I’ll check out the movie you’ve linked; however it takes me to the “all courses” page. May you directly me to the exact movie you’ve referred to?

  • AlFa

    June 2, 2023 at 3:03 pm in reply to: 8year old seeing rainbow floaters

    Wow!  thank you. I knew there were other considerations to explore and that you would direct me towards them. I will work on all of the above and keep you posted.

    What about the sudden blurry vision that comes and goes ? I thought of testing him for diabetes since his father was diagnosed with type 2 recently.

  • AlFa

    May 13, 2023 at 4:01 am in reply to: 7 -19 months old with red spots

    Thank you. I’ve contacted Hope clinic to book an appointment with Dr. Lilya Chub and will keep you posted.

    In the meantime, any recommendations on a dermatologist who wouldn’t just prescribe steroids without doing proper investigation to the cause?

    Also, working on the basis that my toddler has mold in his system, is it safe to start mold detox journey at his age, 20 months? If so, Can I work with you or anyone you can reccomend to start him on this journey and monitor it?

  • AlFa

    May 11, 2023 at 5:03 pm in reply to: 7 -19 months old with red spots

    Thank you for replying. I suspect it was from a specific children’s food brand I bought from the supermarket or from the improper storage of the minced meat spaghetti but one cannot know for sure.

    I like that you suggested natural / food sources for the vitamins and minerals. That’s great information to have.

    I keep up with his supplements in form of drops as his appetites for food has decreased since. He would ask for food but not eat it or eat more than a tasteful since. The supplement I use is 5ml of Floradix Kindervital for children & Oslomega Baby’s DHA 1000mg Omega 3 with Vitamin D3 800mg DHA. In addition to separate Vitamin D drops to heal with his fracture (a story for a different time). I also give him BioGaia Probiotic drops. Perhaps proper Zinc and B12 are missing from his supplementation.

    He did have fever of 40 degrees during the first days and it was not until I insisted on the doctor to check his stool that we found out it was Salmonella, otherwise they wanted to treat it as seasonal flu! He didn’t have diarrhea.

    Re soaps, detergents and wipes they’ve been the same since birth, Eco one. He does from time to time react to the diaper though. A changed the brand when the supposed organic one left a bad rash on him leaving a mark that still exists. Unfortunately the alternative is a bit better but he’s still irritated by them and keeps scratching where they sit on the stomach.

    I forgot to mention that since his hands could reach the back of his neck he’s also been scratching between his shoulder blades to a point of bleeding. I looked up what is the significance of that area, thought maybe it was sweat glands? But couldn’t find accurate information. Any idea?

    The rest of the comments are in my rely to Bernadette’s post

  • AlFa

    May 11, 2023 at 4:45 pm in reply to: 7 -19 months old with red spots

    we are no longer exposed to mold in our house. He was exposed to it while I was pregnant with him, and it’s still in my body as I didn’t complete my mold detox journey. Would it have travelled to him through nursing?

    With regards to other symptoms, he has constant nasal congestion since he was two months old being exposed to older siblings who go to school + the weather.

    As for food, he stopped eating egg since he had salmonella and has been picky about food. He enjoys dates, banana, gooseberry and orange, mandarin. His likeness to grapes, and berries has decreased to almost none since salmonella.

    As for cow’s milk I gave him lactose free one when I started weaning him and when his appetite has decreased; but noticed that he started having eczema behind his knees (different than the spots on his body).

    His intake of corn and peas is very limited to chicken vegetable soup.

    Gluten, while the flour used in our house cooking os gluten free, he has been having a lot of harees during Ramadan. Harees is made of wheat and meat or chicken. It would be the only meal he would want to have during his day plus the smoothie mix I’d prepare for him. The smoothie mix would be avocado, coconut water, chia seed, flaxseed, banana, dates. Sometimes sunflower seed or pumpkin seed. Similar ingredients would be in the banana smoothie minus the avocado and the coconut water.

    Almond and cashew, once only he was exposed to them but didn’t react to them.

    Please let me know if there is anything else you’d like to know.

  • AlFa

    April 13, 2023 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Acid Reflux during Fasting

    Thank you. The link works now. 

    I’d like to correct an information I’ve written earlier. I meant to say that Invisalign can cause nausea rather than saying it can cause acid reflux. 

  • AlFa

    April 13, 2023 at 9:05 pm in reply to: Acid Reflux during Fasting

    Thank you. Eating and sleeping habits have changed during fasting, but my food remains limited either way to salads, soups, meat or chicken. Of course no alcohol consumption either during this month or otherwise. My exercise is usually in the morning. My acid reflux occurs in the afternoon. For the past few days, since Sunday the 9th I’ve started developing pain behind my eye that spread to my ear. This would get better after I break my fast but not so much today that this side head pain was accompanied by severe reflux and throwing up twice while fasting and after breaking the fast despite the limited food that I was able to eat just to break my fast. It felt better after the second time.

    I will check H.Pylori after. Any recommendation where and how to check it? Also, the Acid Reflux Symptom Dictionary Handout link has taken me to a page with good access request. I’ve put in the request to be granted access to read the shared document.

    The reason I mentioned Invisalign in my initial post because somehow I felt that my reflux Re started with using it. I’ve checked with the dentist and she confirmed that it’s possible as there is a major work done by the teeth that can affect some people! Interesting to know & makes me wonder if it’s actually true.

  • AlFa

    December 31, 2022 at 7:02 pm in reply to: Sore Throat upon waking up

    Dehydration is a top suspect here. I’ll see if the sore throat continues to occur after I increase my water intake and will report back in due time.

  • AlFa

    December 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm in reply to: Sore Throat upon waking up
  • AlFa

    December 31, 2022 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Eczema?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer. With regards to mold i took the mycotoxins test which showed that mold has colonized my body. I stated with mold detox protocol with Bernadette but had to stop during my pregnancy. This brings me to the question if I can now safely resume the mold detox protocol which we started or are there any presteps that I need to take before starting mold detox again?

    As for Histamine, it’s interesting to raise it. Is there a specific test to show if we have histamine intolerance? If so, May you advise what it is and if it’s available in Dubai?

    Thank you

  • AlFa

    December 31, 2022 at 6:49 pm in reply to: Eczema?

    DAO enzymes being anti-Histamine capsules? If so, I haven’t. What brand and dosage would you recommend?

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