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Marhaba @lana_abukhadra I hope your kids are feeling better now. May I ask who you took your son to and your experience? I’m also looking for a myofunctional therapist for kids who could do the necessary exercises to help with sleep apnea and mouth breathing.
@Iryna Klevetenko thank you Iryna. I’ll pass on the message. Best of wishes with your teleconsulation.
Update: they are open for a teleconsultation with any reccomended doctor around the world.
@Bernadette Abraham wow! A lot to think about. I will rewatch the video and keep you posted.
In the meantime, what I understand from what you’re saying is that she is possibly fighting a revisited virus or bacteria, which her body is choosing sleep as a fighting mechanism. This in addition to low vitamins, correct B
Urinalysis, Ferratin and vitamin D results. The Ferratine is quite high and the vitamin D is low. I can supplement with Vitamin D , but how can I lower the Ferratine? And why is the body not absorbing the iron?
@Bernadette Abraham a clear and transparent one. Yet, no confirmation on which method actually works.
Initially, I’m not keen on 2 as implantation for a 7year old sounds crazy to me.
I’m between 1 and 3. It seems to me that they complete one another, yet the doctors don’t work together.
To examine and find the right treatment for mouth breathing, I went to three clinics, each of them provided us with the same diagnosis but a bit of different plan, with different period of time required and different cost. It becomes confusing trying to resolve which plan actually works and is effective.
Diagnosis: Child,7 year old, Mouth breathing, “incorrect facial and jaw development, including mid face deficiency, an underdeveloped maxilla, a small lower dental arch causing the lower anterior crowding, and crowding of both upper and lower teeth. TMD muscle tenderness is related to the reverse and incorrect swallowing pattern.”
Treatment Plan Clinic 1: ( ~AED16,500)
Airway records (not clear)
Myfunctional Therapy 12 sessions + Vivos guide with certified MYO therapist based overseas over Zoom.
Guide appliance. (not clear)
Palatal expansion
Treatment Plan Clinic 2: (~AED15K)
Lower arch dental expansion.
Selective extraction of one retained deciduous tooth determine if missing tooth (as per x-ray image) to be substituted by another tooth or replaced with Dental implant.
No clear comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan is shared at this stage.
Treatment Plan Clinic 3: (~AED22,000)
Breathing Program utilizing Myosa System and breathing exercises aimed to improve breathing. (8-12months)
Myofunctional Orthodontic Treatment using Myobrace System to promote normal growth and development of face and soft tissue dysfunction.
I’m aware he still has some issues in the gut according to Unilabs, which we’re following protocol for. The protocol doesn’t seem to be effective , since his stool is loose and acidic (it creates rashes in his skin), but that’s a story for separate post.
The Capillary Panel is a curious one as I haven’t come across it before and would like to understand in simple terms:
what it was?
what the abbreviations and the readings mean?
the situations do they usually test (we’ve been to the emergency room before but it was the first time this test was done!)? and what are the doctors trying to find out by having the test done? -
he has recovered since, but has been having loose stool and burning leaving rashes.
Thank you for responding. We started with Dr. Tina and following up online with Naseema for myofunctional exercises. They are both lovely.
How is your son doing? Did you end up removing his adenoids? Did it help with his sleep apnea?
mRI with contrast : done.
For myself I followed the following protocol:
Advanced TUDCA (Cellcore) : 1 capsule 2 x / week with food
UltraBinder (QUICKSILVER) on empty stomach and away from supplements by at least 1 hour.
Broccolox (Nordic) 2 capsules daily after meal
For three weeks.
That’s for me. I’d say consult with your doctor with what’s good for you.
@Bernadette_Abraham thank you, I’ll contact Valentina and check out the links.