AlFa started the discussion EMF in “Smart watches” (Whoop) in the forum General Discussions a day ago
EMF in “Smart watches” (Whoop)
Hello. A quick question on steps tracker. I’d like to count body’s key performance on a daily matter, such as daily steps, check on my daily movement, sleep and so forth. I’m thinking of investing in (Whoop) as I read that it does not have EMF radiation as Apple Watch or Fit Bit.
Asking in ahead of the EMF talk of next week, which device is… Read more
AlFa replied to the discussion MRI in the forum Lab Tests, Markers & Interpretations 3 months ago
mRI with contrast : done.
For myself I followed the following protocol:
Advanced TUDCA (Cellcore) : 1 capsule 2 x / week with food
UltraBinder (QUICKSILVER) on empty stomach and away from supplements by at least 1 hour.
Broccolox (Nordic) 2 capsules daily after meal
For three weeks.
That’s for me. I’d say consult with your doctor with what’s good for you.
AlFa replied to the discussion MRI in the forum Lab Tests, Markers & Interpretations 4 months ago
I also have to do AMRI and MRI, but for different part and they’ll be using gadolinium based contrast. I was wondering what protocol Dr Heather Eade reccomended for you to deposit it from your body and to protect the body pre the scans.
AlFa started the discussion Dark dry peeling hands in the forum Symptoms & Health Conditions 4 months ago
Asking for a friend who is suffering from darkened thumbs that the skin is now breaking. This darkness and dryness is slowley spreading to the knuckles. Moisturizers are not helping with the healing. What tests can she do to determine what’s happening? And what information you would require to start understanding the case better?
AlFa posted an update 4 months ago
Asking for a friend who is suffering from darkened thumbs that the skin is now breaking. This darkness and dryness is slowley spreading to the knuckles. Moisturizers are not helping with the healing. What tests can she do to determine what’s happening? And what information you would require to start understanding the case better?
@AlFa may I ask you to please copy/paste your question in the forum called “Symptoms & Health Conditions” so we can reply to you there. From desktop, you’ll find the different forum categories on the left. From your phone, you’ll find them at the bottom after scrolling down the feed. Or click here for the direct… Read more
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AlFa replied to the discussion Sleep Apnea in the forum Child Health 6 months ago
Marhaba @lana_abukhadra I hope your kids are feeling better now. May I ask who you took your son to and your experience? I’m also looking for a myofunctional therapist for kids who could do the necessary exercises to help with sleep apnea and mouth breathing.
AlFa replied to the discussion Safe flooring options in the forum Home Health & Biohacking a year ago
@Bernadette_Abraham thank you, I’ll contact Valentina and check out the links.
AlFa started the discussion Safe flooring options in the forum Home Health & Biohacking a year ago
Marhaba @Bernadette_Abraham,
In the process of building a house, What flooring is safe for the indoor, and the outdoor and home gym?
There are lots of options available, some are natural while others are chemicalised. With radiation, and toxicity all around, I’m trying to find the right choice of the floors, indoors and outdoors to install… Read more
AlFa started the discussion Eczema? in the forum 2 years ago
I’m sharing a concern of mine with the hopes of finding a guidance and a solution.During mold detox I developed a rash between my right thumb and index finger. This decreased with time and disappeared as sudden as it appeared. It appeared again few months postpartum and disappeared completely when I contracted Covid. It reappeared… Read more
AlFa started the discussion Sore Throat upon waking up in the forum 2 years ago
Hello. Every time I wake up from sleep I have a sore throat regardless of whether or not the aircondition is on. The soreness goes away within an hour or so after. Why is that? Note: I’m not a mouth breather.