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  • Poly arthritis rheumatoid autoimmune

    Posted by Hasnaa on February 10, 2025 at 2:29 pm

    Hello, i have been diagnosed with a Poly arthritis rheumatoid autoimmune and i am currently doing a detox. My hands and knees are still inflated and inflamed. Any advice?

    Bernadette_Abraham replied 2 days, 9 hours ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Bernadette_Abraham

    February 10, 2025 at 3:04 pm

    Hi @Hasnaa – welcome to B Better! I’d encourage you to read through our Symptom Dictionary handout on arthritis HERE to help you start thinking about possible root causes of autoimmune arthritis.

    Please keep in mind that regardless of the diagnosis, all autoimmune disease conditions have these 3 things in common:

    1- Gut dysfunction leading to intestinal permeability (aka “leaky gut”)

    2- Weakened and imbalanced immune function

    3- Environmental /inflammatory trigger(s) (can be stress, trauma, toxins, stealth infections, etc)

    I explain this in more detail in this short video from the Gut Health Masterclass. Please watch it.

    Since leaky gut is seen in all autoimmune conditions, supporting the main digestive players (liver/gallbladder, pancreas and stomach), the gut microbiome, and prioritizing gut healing is a great place to start.

    I encourage you to watch the next video on the causes and triggers of leaky gut HERE which goes over the many causes of leaky gut so you can start to take action and reverse that dynamic. I mention gut healing therapies towards the end of that video, so if you’d like to start adopting some of these strategies as well, you can watch that lesson HERE.

    And finally, since the majority of our immune system resides in the gut, please take our Gut Health Quiz and let us know your score so that we can guide you on the best digestive support for your unique case.

    As to not overwhelm you, please let me know when you’re done watching these 3 recommended videos, reading the Symptom Dictionary handout, and taking the quiz as I’m sure these will raise more questions.

    Now regarding the detox you’re currently doing, would you mind sharing more details about that? Are you taking any supplements? Is it a diet? Please share more – sometimes doing a detox before the body’s elimination pathways are ready can actually create more inflammation, which we clearly don’t want for you.

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