BBetter Home Page Forums Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormones Hi,I am wondering what the optimal Testosterone level for a 56 year old male would be?

  • Hi,I am wondering what the optimal Testosterone level for a 56 year old male would be?

    Posted by jdean71 on November 21, 2023 at 6:28 pm


    I am wondering what the optimal Testosterone level for a 56 year old male would be?

    And is that number based on Total T levels or Free T levels? Looking at some labs for my husband. His Total Testosterone is 1766, his T free is 507.6.

    Some insight would be most helpful!

    thank you,

    Jill Dean

    Daniel replied 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Daniel

    November 21, 2023 at 11:48 pm

    Hey ,

    To me the symptoms and goals would be leading! If his goal would be for example building muscle mass/preventing muscle loss I would like to have free testosterone as high as possible. If your able to share more of your husbands goals, I could perhaps give you more targeted advise!

    Back to the measurements of your labs: Laboratories provide usually the units of the labs and the reference ranges. Depending on some factors, the reference ranges can differ a bit. It would be helpful to provide us the units and the reference ranges as well.

    What lab markers do you have? Did you do a DUTCH test?

    Free testosterone is usually a very small percentage of the total testosterone. It is the most potent testosterone and therefore leading.  In general, the higher the free testosterone in the reference range, the better it is for bone density and muscle mass.

    Sometimes testosterone labs come with SHBG os Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. If this lab is available, it would be interesting to share with us as well. SHBG binds tightly to testosterone making it biological unavailable. 

    SHBG, Testosterone and free testosterone are influenced by different lifestyle factors (Sleep, workouts, stress, liver and thyroid health and high fiber diets for example). How is body His build (is he lean? Is he overweight?) might influence the advises as well. 

    For example: he might have perfect testosterone scores on paper, but still have symptoms related to testosterone imbalances. If he would be overweight, I would still advise him to loose weight since his numbers might not be optimal for him. People with more bodyfat tend to produce more SHBG and less free testosterone. But since the free testosterone is such a small portion of the total testosterone it might be that he still needs a bit higher levels of free T to feel better.

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