BBetter Home Page Forums Lab Tests, Markers & Interpretations Hi , my blood results test shows neutropenia for the last year my neutrophils is always below 1.5

  • Hi , my blood results test shows neutropenia for the last year my neutrophils is always below 1.5

    Posted by sahab78 on June 27, 2023 at 2:49 am
    Hi , my blood results test shows neutropenia for the last year my neutrophils is always below 1.5 ,any one has any idea ,my thyroid has been low I lifted it with supplements as I don’t have ATpo,trying to figure out the reason
    Bernadette replied 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Bernadette

    June 27, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Hi  – it would be great if you could upload your test results so we can take a look at them from a functional lens to pick up on patterns or dynamics that might be present.

    Also can you please answer the following questions. I’ve numbered them so you can reply to them 1 by 1:

    1. Since when have you been experiencing low neutrophils? 
    2. What led you to get tested? Were there any symptoms present that made you see a doctor?
    3. What happened in your life (any significant events stand out?) around the time when you realized you had low neutrophils?

    In the meantime, below are some possibilities:
    • From a nutritional standpoint, neutropenia can be caused by a copper deficiency. Here’s a video in the Mineral Balance course which describes the different signs and symptoms of low copper. Post-pandemic, I’ve been noticing copper deficiency due to an over-supplementation of zinc! Zinc and copper compete, so if someone’s been supplementing with 45mg of zinc or more for months at a time, that alone will deplete their copper and affect both WBC and neutrophils. Here’s a video on other risk factors for low copper.

    • Vitamin B12 and folate are also needed for the production of white blood cells and neutrophils.

    ->it would be a good idea to test the following nutrients if you haven’t already done so: RBC zinc, RBC copper, ceruloplasmin, serum vitamin B12, serum folate, vitamin D, vitamin A (vitamin D and A because they’re important nutrients for immune health as well)
    • Heavy metal exposure like high arsenic levels can also lead to low WBC (especially neutrophils). Arsenic is commonly found in shellfish, pesticides, and contaminated water. Symptoms of arsenic toxicity can include hyperkeratosis (thickening of skin – heels/palms), warts on heels/palms (plantar warts), skin pigmentation changes, Mees line formation on nails, garlic/metallic taste in mouth, low WBC (esp. neutrophils), Raynaud’s, hypertension/arrhythmia/atherosclerosis, “milk and roses” complexion – arsenic hinders consistently circulation in the skin.

    • Another possibility for low neutrophils is a chronic viral infection that is taxing your white blood cells. Have doctors run viral panels such as the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) or Cytomegalovirus (CMV) for example? With chronic viral infections, a person will often have other symptoms like fatigue, frequent illnesses, muscle/joint aches, digestive symptoms, etc.

    • Medications. Are you taking any prescription or self-prescribed/over-the-counter medications and/or supplements?

    For all of these possibilities mentioned above, testing is available to confirm or rule them out. Please let me know if you resonate with any of them so we can continue guiding you towards the root cause! And I’ll wait for your reply.

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