BBetter Home Page Forums Referrals Doctors Recommendations in Dubai

  • Doctors Recommendations in Dubai

    Posted by Naja on March 25, 2023 at 8:19 am
    Hello B, I apologize for repeatedly asking about doctor referrals, as I’m quite shy about it. However, I hope that this will be my last request regarding the matter. Could you kindly advise me on which doctor to consult for varicose veins? Additionally, I’m also in need of a doctor to address my deviated septum. I had undergone surgery for this ten years ago with the intention of improving my breathing, but unfortunately, I’m still struggling and relying on nasal strips to help me breathe properly. Lastly, I would appreciate it if you could recommend a dermatologist to me. Thank you for your assistance.
    Bernadette replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Daniel

    March 25, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    Hey ,

    I can’t answer your question unfortunately since I don’t have connections in Dubai. But please don’t ever be shy about asking questions! In fact, your question on this platform may help a lot of other people. 

    It is actually one of the reasons this community is here and for this reason, I encourage you to pleas ask everything.

    The worst thing that can happen is that we don’t have an answer. In this case, we will tell you as well!

  • Bernadette

    March 25, 2023 at 5:46 pm

    Hi  – as Daniel mentioned, please don’t feel shy to ask questions.

    Have you seen the varicose vein handout in the Symptom Dictionary? If you can’t access the link, I’ve attached it here as well.

    I recently found a more holistic ENT who can probably help with your breathing issues. You can let Dr. Annelyse Ballin know I referred you to her.

    Unfortunately, I don’t know a more holistic minded dermatologist. Still looking for one. Do let me know if you find one.
    [Varicose Veins.pdf]

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