BBetter Home Page Forums Digestion & Gut Health Link between oxilate , salicylate and histamine

  • Link between oxilate , salicylate and histamine

    Posted by naslam1603 on February 26, 2023 at 8:31 pm
    Hi B. & Daniel,

    Sorry to throw difficult questions at you.

    Is there a link between salicylate, oxalates and histamine?

    I wake up in the morning with pain in my finger joints.

    I am trying my best by stopping all histamine foods. Do I stop oxilate and salicylate foods too?

    I really am at a loss. Are my kidneys, liver, gall bladder causing these issues?

    I thought my SIBO was linked to histamine intolerance only?

    naslam1603 replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • naslam1603

    February 26, 2023 at 10:20 pm
  • Bernadette

    February 27, 2023 at 8:32 am

    Hi  – I would not advise restricting your diet even further since you’re already on a pretty strict diet. Plus eliminating certain foods often only brings temporary relief while a person is addressing the root cause. I did take a peak at your latest results that came into Functional DX and did notice 2 things of note which can be contributing to these intolerances:

    1- Direct bilirubin was suboptimal high. This can indicate biliary tract congestion, which will impact bile flow and over time lead to SIBO since bile is antimicrobial and can regulate the pH of the intestines. It’s also needed to emulsify fats, which can impact fat soluble vitamin absorption (vitamins A,D,E & K). So from a root cause perspective supporting your gallbladder should be the next step in terms of addressing the foundations for better digestion and gut health.

    Oxalates from foods and microbes (ex. yeast overgrowth) may be overly absorbed into systemic circulation and contribute to kidney stones and pain syndromes, especially in people with 1) poor gallbladder function or post-cholecystectomy, and/or 2) vitamin B6 insufficiency (required for oxalate degradation), and/or 3) microbiome with low Oxalobacteria presence.

    Histamines from foods, many different microbes, and our own immune system (e.g. eosinophils, mast cells) are broken down by 1) diamine oxidase (DAO) which is an enzyme produced in a healthy intestinal brush border in the gut and also intracellularly by 2) the methylation-dependent enzyme HNMT (histamine N-methyltransferase). So once again, continuing to work on gut health is key to bringing these levels down. While restricting foods can definitely help alleviate symptoms, it’s often unsustainable. And since you’re already on a very strict and limited diet, I would be concerned about malnutrition.

    Keep your focus on the gut!! Gallbladder function is in need of support. Here’s a video on liver/gallbladder support inside the Gut Health Masterclass where I share different options to help “decongest” the biliary tract. 1,000mg D-limonene daily is what I often recommend to my clients for 30 to 60 days, then re-test direct bilirubin and continue for another 30 days if needed. I like Integrative Therapeutics. D-limonene is often recommended to clients for acid reflux, so you might find some relief there as well. And since you’ve been taking gut healing agents for more than a month, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to tolerate D-limonene gel caps.

    2. The other thing of note in your latest test results was the high eosinophils in your white blood cell count differentials. This can often indicate parasitic infections. But given that you’re constipated, I would not attempt a parasite cleanse until that’s resolved. Magnesium citrate is very effective and given that you take PPI’s, your need for magnesium is even greater. Castor oil packs over the liver/gallbladder as well. You can also look into CellCore’s Bowel Mover.

    I know I’m not answering your question directly, but it’s because I don’t think you’re focusing on the right culprits, and want you to see how these intolerances are all connected to poor gut health and digestive function.

    I would prioritize decongesting the biliary tract, addressing the constipation (even if it’s with rapid relief solutions), and once these are addressed, attempt a parasite cleanse. I suspect the abdominal pains you experience are from these unwanted, overgrown guests.

    Here’s the video you can watch with the different options for parasite cleanses. For my clients who struggle more with constipation, I prefer they start with the Renew Life ParaSmart kit since it has senna – a natural laxative to prevent constipation while cleansing. I usually have them pair it with CellCore’s Para 1 and Biotoxin binder.

    Hope this somewhat helps answer your question and gives you a direction to be heading in next.

    How did it go with Ashley? Working on emotional release helps a person switch into a more parasympathetic state where healing is possible, and I hope you’re doing this in parallel as well.

  • naslam1603

    February 27, 2023 at 11:02 am

     which one of the Thyroid panel files is the correct file please as I received two files from Arianne. I’d like to upload the right file here.

    Can you see the Magnesium RBC or blood level marker in the Thyroid panel. I can only see serum level. 

    Can you see the H. Pylori antigen result as well? Does this marker mean I still have it.

    Which other markers are outstanding please. Functional dx are not responding me.

    I do not  take any ppi. Only h2 blocker called femotidine.

    Sure, I’ll focus on the gall bladder liver. What should the bilirubin reading be please? Functional dx readings are confusing to interpret. I thought the reading was good when suboptimal high.

    Should I continue with with the liquid B complex, Biotics Research ADEK.

    Should I take histamine block, the DAO  enzyme as I am not taking it. I am taking a vegetarian version but not helping.

    I couldn’t tolerate bowel mover. It was too strong. I was burning up inside. I remember there were a little of ingredients inside like walnut etc…

    Yes, I met Ashley last week. It’s difficult to get the emotions out first time through the anger process. Both she and I knew, when I would be angry due to the frequency of the yell. I have to get use to it. The breathing technique is different. I have to groan when exhaling. Long way to go yet. She’s next available end of March. 

    How could I have had the parasites? 

  • Bernadette

    February 28, 2023 at 7:57 am

     I believe Ariana replied to you yesterday. My support team does not work on the weekends so thanks for your patience.

    Your RBC magnesium is in the Addendum report – first marker on the page.

    Yes, prioritize biliary tract health and function. I like to see direct bilirubin below 0.2 mg/dL. This will help keep your microbiome better balanced, since bile is naturally antimicrobial. It will also help with digestion and absorption of fats. It’s a major piece for you that needs support, and will have a number of positive effects downstream.

    DAO is a band-aid, but can definitely help in the meantime, if many of your symptoms are histamine related.

    Regarding parasites, they are part of our normal microbiome ecosystem. However when given the environment to overgrow or when our defenses are low (like low stomach acid, low immunity) and we acquire them through skin or ingestion, they can easily infect us. Please watch the antiparasitic video and let me know if you have any other questions.

    And regarding your message to me on Instagram – don’t worry about disease labels. The body can heal and regenerate itself. Stay the course, support digestion, get rid of the unwanted guests, support the microbiome, and keep on gut healing. 

    If you’re needing more 1-1 guidance, please look for a naturopathic doctor to help you through this. You will eventually need medical support to help you wean off of your H2 blockers.

    Glad you’re having another session with Ashley… it’s a journey. 

  • naslam1603

    February 28, 2023 at 10:27 pm

    Hi B. & Daniel,

    I’ve attached Functional DX blood test result from 24.3.22 and 20.2.23.
    I notice Gall Bladder was bottom of the list last year and now top of the list.

    A lot of the symptoms I have are mentioned in the video.
    1.  Light brown stool
    2. High cholesterol
    3. Also, I rarely pass wind, but when I do, odour is sulphur like.

    There are quite a few supplements recommended. Shall I go for D-limonene. It’s an orange zest. I still gastritis though. Please see attached. Would you mind recommend another supplement please.

    Also, I’ve attached the blood test which my GI consultant requested. Please see page 19 which refers to the gall bladder. The markers are within range. I should ignore these right?[Naveed Aslam 14.2.23 Blood Test By Dr. Haidry (GI Consultant).pdf][FunctionalDX-ThyroidUltra-Professional-NaveedAslam-Feb-20-2023.pdf][Naveed Aslam 24.3.22 Functional Blood Test.pdf][Intestinal metaplasia.jpg]

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