Hi – so a stubborn UTI infection means that your immune system needs some love and attention. Instead of solely focusing on “killing” the bacteria with antibiotics or natural remedies, instead I would encourage you to focus on supporting immune health by modulating your gut microbiome, optimizing immune nutrients vitamins D, A, and zinc, and reducing stress. So it goes back to gut health and adrenal health!!
Both high or low cortisol levels from the adrenal glands can negatively affect immune health. If stress is at play, I encourage you to watch the Adrenal Balance course for support. Let me know if this resonates with you and I can provide more targeted videos that can help.
And here’s a video that explains how a healthy gut = healthy immune system.
The course of antibiotic has surely created dysbiosis (an imbalance in your microbes) and often results in an overgrowth of opportunistic yeast. So first things first, I recommend that my clients reinforce their commensal gut bacteria with lacto/bifido and s. boulardii strains after/during antibiotics. Klaire Labs ABx support is one example.
If you don’t consume fermented foods (and don’t have symptoms of histamine intolerance), I would encourage you to start incorporating a variety of them: kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, beet kvaas. You can find recipes to all of these in the resource section here. This is the best probiotic you can give yourself!
If fermented foods aren’t tolerated, that’s when supplementation with probiotics and immunoglobulins can help. Here’s a video with some of my favorite brands in the Gut Health Masterclass.
And finally, if you haven’t already checked your levels, I would encourage you to check immune nutrients vitamin D, vitamin A, and RBC zinc levels. If they are low, then a discussion on why (while optimizing them with food therapy/supplementation) is the next step.
Focusing on immune health is going to be key for you.
Does this resonate with you?
Hope this helps give you some clarity and a direction to start working on.