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Posted by sara_alm369 on February 18, 2023 at 12:22 pmHello, I would like to know what protocol I should take for hypothyroidism and what foods I should avoid during the treatment period, and is it possible after I do detox that I can stop taking thyroid medications??sara_alm369 replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 39 Replies -
39 Replies
Hi – can you please provide more details about your case so we can help guide you with more targeted solutions.
For example:
1. What symptoms are you struggling with?
2. Were you given an official diagnosis?
3. Do you have lab tests you can attach and share? (crop out any identifying info if you prefer to remain anonymous)
4. What type of medication are you taking and what’s the dosage?
5. Do you feel the medication is working for you?(FYI – if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can always change your profile name and use an alias. Here’s a short tutorial video showing how to do that in the profile settings.)
I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to see the different courses available to you inside the B Better library dashboard yet, but we have a Thyroid Balance course that you can access here.
I encourage you to make time to watch it entirely, but if you don’t have the time, then here are a few videos you can watch to get you started:
Stress, blood sugar dysregulation and sex hormones can all affect thyroid function. To help you figure out the possible root causes affecting your thyroid function, I recommend watching these 3 videos:
• How insulin affects thyroid function
• How cortisol affects thyroid function
• How sex hormones affect thyroid functionAfter watching these videos, you might have a better idea as to what might be at play in your unique case, and what additional tests might be needed to further investigate these factors. Let us know what resonates most with you.
In terms of diet, supplements and lifestyle suggestions, I suggest you also watch these 3 videos:
• How to protect your thyroid
• Foods for a healthy thyroid
• Supplements for a healthy thyroidAnd to answer your question about whether or not you can get off your thyroid medication, it really all depends on each individual case. If there’s no damage to the thyroid gland itself from trauma, surgery, or long term autoimmunity, and it’s still cellular hypothyroidism (meaning it’s your cells that are turning “off” metabolism and not an issue with the thyroid gland itself), then yes, it’s quite possible to get off medication if the root cause is determined and addressed.
We also recently did an interview with Dr. Eric Balcavage on thyroid health, and would encourage you to watch that as well at a later stage. The recording can be found in “All Call Recordings” under “Guest Interviews”.
For now, please watch those videos I suggested above from the Thyroid Balance course, and let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Let’s keep the conversation going.
Hello, I will do thyroid tests because it is old, but I ask, is there a diet to be followed? What are the things that can stimulate thyroid?
yes, your diet can absolutely help. There are key nutrients that support thyroid hormone production and conversion, and some compounds you want to avoid.
I recommend you watch the following 3 videos to help with the diet:
• How to protect your thyroid (this highlights the things to avoid)
• Foods for a healthy thyroid
• Supplements for a healthy thyroidLet me know if these videos help answer your question about diet.
Dear can you check please because I have activated my account but the video is not working
what is happening exactly? Are you getting any error messages so that I can relay your message and ask the technical support team to look into this for you ASAP.
apologies for the technical issues. I made an announcement yesterday in the community… not sure if you saw it.
It seems there’s an issue with the server that is affecting those of us living in the UAE. The development team promised to resolve the issue within 24-48 hours (that was yesterday) so hopefully everything will be back to normal by tomorrow.
I am now able to access the information through my phone, but still facing the same issues as you from my computer. Can you please try to access the information from your phone today and let me know if it’s working for you too now?
Apologies again for the technical glitch – my team is working on it.
oh dear – I was hoping it was working for you too. Ok, I’ve messaged them again letting them know it’s still not working for everyone. Sorry about this – I’m equally frustrated. I will message you with any updates as soon as it’s fixed to make sure it’s working for you.
Dear, my account has been withdrawn twice since the beginning of the month. Can I take the necessary action? Is there a virus or malfunction in the program?
I’ve asked Ariana from my support team to check your account to make sure you weren’t charged twice, and she will be in touch with you by email soon. Please expect an email from
unfortunately, the technical glitch has still not been resolved, but I do have all the videos saved to my computer so I will share the Dropbox links in the meantime as a workaround:
Here were the 3 videos I had previously recommended you watch to help with diet:
• How to protect your thyroid (this highlights the things to avoid)
• Foods for a healthy thyroid
• Supplements for a healthy thyroidDo let me know if there are any other videos you wanted to watch but couldn’t open, and I’ll send you my Dropbox links as a workaround until they solve this mystery glitch.
Please let me know if you can access those videos.
Dear B, can you send ((How to protect the thyroid gland (this highlights the things that should be avoided))
By Dropbox Thank you very much for your cooperation I hope to open a system soon. -
You got it! Here is it: Protect Your Thyroid (Things to Avoid)
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to watch. Glad we’re finding a way to make it work in the meantime.
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