BBetter Home Page Forums Digestion & Gut Health Bubbles in stomach

  • Daniel

    December 18, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Hey ,

    There can be a few reasons for ‘bubbles in the stomach’. The stomach is located behind the left rib cage. If you felt some air build up in the upper part of your body, then this is most likely in your stomach. Please let me know if you felt your bubbles in this area.

    If you have felt it lower, it is most likely more air in the gut.

    Air in the stomach can be because by several reasons, like:
    • Swallowing air for example by eating too fast.
    • Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) – for example, caused by eating in a stressed/excited state. This can lead to gas formation as well.
    • Drinking soda or other carbonated drinks like beer and some wines… which probably wasn’t the case, but since I like to be complete

    We have a lot of content on the platform regarding hypochlorhydria. If you don’t know how to recognize low stomach acid, I would recommend you watch Signs & Symptoms of Hypochlorhydria and Causes of Hypochlorhydria in the course ‘The Gut Health Masterclass’

    Most of the time we can reduce air in the stomach by addressing the causes of emotional & physical stress and having good eating hygiene (eating slowly, chewing until your food feels like a liquid before you swallow it, eating mindfully without doing work and in a stress-free environment).

    The next list of stressors is far from complete., but it can help you give you some direction since not all stress is emotional. With stress, our body will direct energy away from our digestive system to our system that was designed for movement, fight & flight. 
    • Temporary primary emotional reactions, caused by a bad situation like anger, fear, irritation, disgust, etc.
    • Loner lasting emotions like unresolved resentment, loneliness, financial stress, not feeling safe, worries, feeling hopelessness, mourning, being anxious, etc.
    • Positive emotions like excitement or being in love can raise our blood pressure and heartbeats which are signs of sympathetic nervous system activation as well.
    • Physical stressors like feeling pain, working out, lack of sleep, breathing shallow (this can be a result of stress, but cause stress as well), etc.
    • Other stressors like food intolerances, allergies, being sick, inflammation, etc.

    If you removed the stress and have good eating hygiene, but still experience bubbles, you could do the baking soda test or the HCl dosing challenge to find out if you might have hypochlorhydria. These tests aren’t diagnostic, but they could give you a strong indication if hypochlorhydria might be present.

    If you feel hypochlorhydria might be at play the video Stomach Acid Support could help you for the time being until you addressed the root cause of your hypochlorhydria.

    If it was a one time only thing, just burp 😉

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