• Daniel

    December 1, 2022 at 11:39 pm

     I will let Bernadette advise on your question about Spatone. I just want to present you an liquid alternative which contains Ferrous Bisglycinate which is also very well absorbed. I am talking about this iron tonic from Vitanica.

    Be aware that with a possible H. Pylori infection stomach acid might be low and iron could be harder to absorb. The enzymes that free the iron are in the stomach acid and need vitamin C to do their job.

    GI Maps could be used to test for H. Pylori. Breath tests can be used as well, although  might have some additional recommendations here.

    Probiotic strains that can help with reducing H. Pylori overgrowth according to studies are Lactobacillus Reuteri and Lactobacillus johnsonii la1. 

    Saccharomyces boulardii helps as well, but if you are suspecting yeast sensitivity this might not be the best option since this is a yeast.

    I personally recommend starting with bitter foods based instead of digestive bitters. They can help digestion as well. I know kids might not always like some of them, but here are some options:
    • bitter melon
    • dandelion greens
    • Jerusalem Artichokes
    • Cranberries
    • Chicory
    • broccoli
    • arugula
    • kale
    • radicchio
    • endive
    • Brussels sprouts
    • dark chocolate

    I hope this helps!

  • Bernadette

    December 2, 2022 at 6:17 am

     I face a similar situation with my son who refuses to get pricked now, so I completely understand your situation.

    The good news is that the 24-hour iodine test is urine, and the H Pylori test can be breath or stool. The breath test can be done with a doctor so can be covered by insurance, but I have seen many false negatives. That’s why my preference is a PCR H Pylori stool test with Diagnostic Solutions. Here’s a sample report. The lab charges $173 USD plus $40 shipping/collection, and takes about a month for results approx.

    I like Spatone for all ages, and have found it to be easy on the stomach and non-constipating.

    If she can swallow capsules, I would prefer cod liver oil instead of vitamin A because it’s a fat soluble vitamin, and in the absence of testing, and not knowing her baseline levels, you don’t want to overdo it. I like Rosita Cod Liver oil and it’s available in Dubai through Ancient Traditions. I consider it safer since it’s a whole food supplement instead of a single nutrient.

    When selenium levels are sufficient, kelp granules are ok to introduce. But low and slow, using it as a salt replacement until you know her baseline iodine level. A more therapeutic dose would be 1/4 tsp for 30-60 days, but in the absence of testing, a low and slow approach is safer.

    Did you watch this gut healing video? Any of these therapies can be used – depends on what you feel she would accept. I also shared a few different multi-herbal supplement formulations if you prefer supplements. There are capsules and flavored powders. Please let me know after watching that video if you have specific questions about any of those remedies.

    In terms of probiotics, I always recommend food first since it’s the most varied and highest in colony count. Would she eat a little sauerkraut for example, every other day? It has a pickled taste so if she likes pickles, she would like sauerkraut. Would she like coconut kefir? I have kefir grains to share if you’d like to try it. I give this to my kids almost daily in the form of a smoothie. Instead of regular milk, I use kefir milk. But since your daughter should go dairy-free, you can make coconut kefir milk instead. The process is very straightforward.

    In terms of gluten-free bread options, please check out So Free Organics and Honest Kitchen. Honest kitchen makes flat breads that can replace pita bread. So Free Organics has gluten-free manakeesh and other gluten-free/dairy-free items!

    I would also encourage you to join the Gluten-Free UAE Facebook group for additional support. They’re always sharing new brands and restaurants that cater to a gluten-free diet.

    I know it’s tough, I’ve been through it, but we’re here for you every step of the way. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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