BBetter Home Page Forums Immunity, Getting Sick & Antibiotics Primary Biliary Cholangitis

  • Primary Biliary Cholangitis

    Posted by Laure on November 17, 2022 at 7:33 am
    Hello to all the community!

    I am happy to step in today and share you my health quest.
    Five years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare auto immune disease : Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC). I have no physical symptom, I discovered this health condition through my 40-year-old-milestone health check up where I checked the liver levels. All four hepatic enzymes were skyrocketing (GGT >500U/L, ALP > 400U/L, AST 75U/L, ALT 100U/L). An Anti-mitochondrial antibody test showed up positive, and since, I have been taken medication (ursodeoxycholic acid) to reduce the inflammation in the liver. Initial MRI and yearly scans show a stable condition. However, two enzymes, GGT and ALP, are still very high (>150U/L). I have always refused a liver biopsy.

    I’m trying to find living life styles and supplements that could help me in lowering the GGT and ALP levels, and eventually reverse the auto-immune mechanics. Another annoying detail is that my PBC medication pills that I take everyday, contain titanium dioxide. I am worry that in the long run this could affect something else in my body and brain. And lastly I am still looking for a hepatologist in Dubai who could share my holistic view of health.

    Thank you for reading my case. Wish you  all a wonderful day!!!

    Bernadette replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Bernadette

    November 17, 2022 at 11:21 am

    Hi  – thank you for the details about your case. I applaud your efforts for wanting to get to the root cause to put your AI disease into remission. It’s totally possible!! And the good news is the following, even though your diagnosis is rare, all autoimmune diagnosis’ share the same 3 contributing factors:

    1. Enhanced intestinal permeability
    2. Weakened and overwrought immune system
    3. Triggers (this is what we have to try and figure out in your specific case to begin reversing the disease dynamic)

    For starters, I encourage you to watch this short video on the facts about autoimmune disease. This video was more specific to autoimmune thyroid disease but it’s still relevant to all autoimmune diseases.

    ->Do you have any gastro-intestinal symptoms? Heartburn, belching, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools, greasy stools, etc?

    ->Have you ever tested vitamins A, D and RBC zinc?

    ->Do you have any known food sensitivities? Do you restrict any foods?

    ->To help you figure out possible triggers: 
    • do you have any amalgam dental fillings, root canals, extractions done in the past?
    • any stressful/traumatic events in your life that you can think of?
    • any foreign materials in your body?
    • any exposure to mold/mycotoxins in your home/environment?
    • any past viral illnesses that were severe?

    I also encourage you to watch the following video on autoimmune disease recommendations (again – it’s specific to thyroid but it’s still relevant for you)

    Please take the time to watch these short videos and answer my questions above so we can continue the conversation.

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