BBetter Home Page Forums Female Health Uterus Removal

  • sheetalramchandani1

    May 19, 2023 at 8:20 am

    Thank you B again for a detailed explanation and fantastic support . 
    Here are some of my answers n concers. 
    1.  My cholestrol level is good n within valid range as reccommeded by you. I am on no medication except for supplements ( vitex, evening primrose, probiotics , zinc , D3+ K2 , trace minerals , magnesium , black cohosh , B12 spray- all in liquid form ) 
    2. diet wise i maitain a pretty healthy one , however i will boost the grass fed butter , ghee and eggs ( beef i dont consume for religious reasons ) 
    3. as per stress i would say i use to over excersise and eat less about 2-3 years ago, however i am well aware of its impact and have eliminated that since 3 years or so , apart from that nothing major stress i would say ( touchwood ) . also i have never done a dutch test before , however i am happy to explore that option and would love details on it. 
    4. in regards to supplementing with a bio identical hormone , i would highly appreciate your advice on it ( if needed , amounts and dosage if at all ) While the article referred above is very positive , i worry about the after effects of a HRt support and its long term impact as i am 48 and in perimenopause state anyways.Also as rightly mentioned we do not know if this dosage would support the right hormone or lead to estrogen dominace , the bodys natural preference ways 
    5. I had done a liver panel a year ago n it was optimal, do u suggest i do it again. 
    6. lastly i am confused if the last statement meant that i should supplement with a bio identical progestrone or pregnenolone?

    I am looking forward to your support in terms of supplementation , additinal test , if supplementation is actually the right way or should be avoided as pregnenolone is just a little lower than the low end marker. Should a bio identical progestrone be added , if yes , what dosage? diet and lifesyle recoomendations. ( i worry as i have no symptoms at all though reports are not up to mark ) 
    And above all the right way forward …..

  • Bernadette

    May 20, 2023 at 4:02 pm

     I will reply to your points 1 by 1 below:

    1. If you’re single supplementing with zinc, be cautious and test your copper. These 2 minerals compete and one can cause a deficiency in the other if not careful with supplementation.

    3. If you’ve ruled out LDL being sufficient (>70mg/dl), then it would be a good idea to check your adrenal status. Please watch this video here in the Adrenal Balance course where I explain the different tests. If you wake-up with good energy, and don’t need to measure your cortisol awakening response, you can simply get the DUTCH Adrenal test which measures your total cortisol metabolism and the pattern/rhythm throughout the day. The DUTCH Plus includes the adrenal panel + all the sex hormones and cortisol awakening response and some organic acid markers. It’s also more expensive.

    4. Bio-identical progesterone is pretty safe and helps replenish what we no longer make as we approach menopause. It is this drop in progesterone that creates the estrogen dominance; that is, where estrogen is relatively higher than progesterone so it’s helpful to keep hormones balanced.

    Pregnenolone on the other hand is a “starting point” hormone that the body can choose to use how it prefers. It’s intended purpose as I had mentioned in my previous reply may not go as planned, unless someone’s overall downstream hormone levels are overall all low. That’s not the case for you since you’re still producing a good amount of estrogen.

    If I was in your shoes, I would personally try to work on raising pregnenolone by figuring out and working on upstream root causes first as I had suggested.

    5. Yes, I would repeat a liver panel. Here’s a simple panel you can request from your doctor.

    In terms of dosages for hormone therapy, this needs to be discussed with your doctor, and monitored every 3 months or so.

  • sheetalramchandani1

    May 21, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    1. I use 5 drops of zinc ( pic attached ) Siberia 3 months now , but not very regular , let me if it too much and should be stopped
    2. Where can I do duty h test , difference in Dutch test n Dutch plus and the cost of each ?
    3. Would just adrenal panel n liver panel answer the questions to understanding the root cause of low oregnenolone , as these can be covered in insurance
    4. Any other minerals like copper or iron or anything else to add on to test
    5. I will check with doctor on dosage for progesterone
    6. Pregenonlone , yes I would prefer to understand the root cause and work on it naturally , however I have symptoms of low energy at awakening or during day , no fatigue or brain fog either
    7. Lastly a technical question, I am unable to log in to community from my laptop , it says to use circle password and I am afraid that my b better membership password and circle password are different , so how can I login into community from my laptop ?

  • sheetalramchandani1

    May 21, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    Sorry I meant I have no symptoms of low energy, fatigue or brain fog

  • Bernadette

    May 21, 2023 at 4:52 pm


    1. Only way to know is to test your levels. Get an RBC zinc. If not available, get serum zinc, copper and ceruloplasmin. The picture you sent also doesn’t show the dosage of zinc being provided per serving.

    2. We can help facilitate access to the DUTCH test. Did you watch the video I shared? It shows the cost of each and provides reports of each so you can see the difference. Here’s the video again.

    3. Typically the adrenal test that can be covered by insurance is just a morning cortisol sample, which is insufficient because cortisol varies throughout the day. We need to know how much you’re producing in a day, and what the pattern looks like. The video above explains this in more detail.

    4. Yes, I always like to measure copper and ceruloplasmin along with zinc.

    6. If you’re experiencing fatigue upon rising, then it’s probably best to go with the DUTCH Plus ($499 USD+shipping) which also shows the cortisol awakening response. (if finances allow)

    7. Yes, we are working to have a Single Sign On feature so members can sign-in using 1 login/password for the B Better library and Circle, but for now it is 2 different log-ins. So you’ll have to use whatever password you had created initially for Circle. If you can’t remember, just hit “forgot password” to create a new one. Another way you can log into Circle from your laptop is to click on “Community” in the top header of your library dashboard to be taken to the community (once you’ve logged into Circle with your password at least once). Hope that helps. Let me know if you’re still facing issues.

  • sheetalramchandani1

    May 22, 2023 at 11:07 am

    Hello  , thank you for always responding in such details. I appreciate your time and effort always , thank you. 
    i have just gone through the videos as i am now able to link community to my membership n watch the video links you mentioned regarding Dutch test. I will look into doing these soon and share reports accordingly. Also with check in with RBC zinc, copper etc. 
    Lastly i wanted to mention i do not experience fatigue on awakening or low energy during the day or any symtoms ( It was a tpyo mistake in my earlier message , the word NOT did not get typed in, do you still feel the DUTCH PLUS still would be helpful ? 

  • Bernadette

    May 22, 2023 at 11:21 am

     Hi Sheetal – then no, you can save some money and get the DUTCH Adrenal only test instead of DUTCH Plus which looks at everything including cortisol awakening response.

    • sheetalramchandani1

      December 30, 2024 at 11:07 am

      @Bernadette_Abraham ,, attached below details on uterus remval post n recent reports, awaiting your reply

  • sheetalramchandani1

    December 10, 2024 at 10:09 am

    Hello Bernadette and Daniel,

    I want to start with a thank you for helping me save the uterus. So grateful for this support over the years.

    My recent visit with Dr. Liliana Sworski this month has confirmed that my fibroids have shrunk to 3.6cm now ( were 7.6cm at age 47 when I first messaged you on this platform ) and there is no need of a hystrectomy.

    Attached are my hormone reports for your review and certain bioidentical hormones i am currently taking ( suggested by doctor and been on them for two years now )

    My current questions are,

    1.Do bio identical hormones taken for few years, do they have any side effects ? ( i will be 50 in a months time ) . Dr. has suggested them to continue ( Prescription attached )

    2 In a recent mamogram done, ( reports attached ) the doctor had seen some calcification , thus suggested biopsy . After the bioposy the results were binine and i am asked to see them every six months ( history with breasts have been that there were very small cysts seen in the left breast at the same time as fibroids in the uterus at the age of 47, thus mamogram was recommended every year and i dont have any maternal history of cancer in family ) – My reason of concern and question here is , does bioidentical hormone have any reason for me to worry in the case of breasts or is the little calcification due to hormones taken ?

    Also to add biposy was done on right breast. ( left breast nothing to worry about cyst as i was told by doctor )

    3. Lastly sharing a little more about my lifestyle to give you a full spectrum of scenario. My last period at age 49 ( dec 2023 ) , eating habits are clean. Supplements taking currently apart from bioidentical ones mentioned in precreption are , vitamin D once aweek . b12 spray daily . eveing primrose and vitex berry daily , magnesium glycinate at bedtime , trace minerals daily for 3 months only ( please do share if these are ok or an opinion to add or delete them ) . Excercise low impact and strenght training regularly , sleep is good , wine ( a glass once a week ) , the cbc , thyroid panel, blood sugar markers have been in range.

    Thank you once again , i truly appreciate your support and wishing you and your family a festive season ahead.

    • sheetalramchandani1

      December 30, 2024 at 11:05 am

      @Bernadette_Abraham awaiting your revert on this

  • sheetalramchandani1

    December 20, 2024 at 10:29 am

    @Bernadette_Abraham @Daniel Awating the reply for the above attached respomse on uterus removal. Reports attached

  • Bernadette_Abraham

    January 6, 2025 at 6:24 pm

    Hi @sheetalramchandani1 – first off, apologies for the delay in replying to your thread. I’m not sure why we didn’t get the notifications or how we missed them. I’m glad you reached out to us by email to let us know!!

    Second – thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news about the fibroids shrinking! Isn’t the body fascinating? It has the ability to heal when given the right environment to do so! Truly so so happy for you!!

    To answer your questions,

    1. I recommend you watch the session we had with Dr. Felice Gersh which was on menopause and bHRT. Of course any medication comes with risks, but as she very clearly states, the risks of low hormones are much worse. Please make time to watch it here. Very insightful!

    2. Breast calcifications can occur for various reasons and while bHRT can influence breast tissue, it’s not usually a direct cause of calcification.

    3. As a general rule, I always cycle on and off supplements every few months to give my body a break. Supplements, just like medications, need to be processed by the liver so it’s always a good idea to give the body a break from supplements. Medications however should be followed as suggested by your physician.

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