BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements New: Monthly Meet-ups!

  • New: Monthly Meet-ups!

    Posted by Bernadette on September 20, 2022 at 12:15 pm
    Next Thursday, September 29th, will be our FIRST monthly meet-up call!  These calls are meant to be a way to get to know your fellow B Better community members.

    September’s ice-breaker theme: FUNNY MYTHS & SUPERSTITIONS!

    Ex. I was told that looking at the moon will give me warts I’m sure you have your own myths/superstitions too!

    We are so excited and looking forward to having you join us.  To RSVP head to the Event Calendar space.

    This call will not be recorded so you can feel comfortable sharing as much about yourself as you’d like!

    Bernadette replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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