BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements Case Study Call Recording (Sept 8 ’22) Now Available! – Severe Morning Nausea

  • Case Study Call Recording (Sept 8 ’22) Now Available! – Severe Morning Nausea

    Posted by Bernadette on September 9, 2022 at 2:57 pm
    The recording of this week’s live case study call is now available in the “All Call Recordings” section of your membership library.

    Call notes include key insights such as the case presentation overview, connections between lab results and symptoms, and suggested recommendations.

    There is so much learning that can be done when reviewing a case study together.  I loved having everyone’s insights into this case and am looking forward to the next one!  If you are interested in becoming a case study, you can fill out the Case Study Interest Form.

    Bernadette replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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