Help!…so many symptoms
Hello!I have been struggling with a slew of symptoms. It is possible some are related or there are multiple things happening. I am looking for anything that could help. I’ve been seeing specialists for each symptom but no one has been able to help. I hope this is not overwhelming and I will be as succinct as possible.
For the past 3-4 months I have been experiencing every symptom associated with hypothyroidism. I was diagnose with autoimmune thyroid disease postpartum after my first (4yrs ago). I was hyper thyroid then. Postpartum seems to trigger it. I got pregnant with my second 14 months postpartum and my labs had been back to normal at that point (not at ideal ranges though). After my second my thyroid followed the same pattern: it peaks and then slowly goes back down in the course of a year.
Now my labs are considered normal despite my TSH continuing to rise slightly and my t3 continuing to decline slightly. Recent labs showed t3 was at 80 which is exactly AT the low threshold. I asked for reverse t3 and that was normal at 10.
Some symptoms include m: fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, irregular periods, repeat infections, etc. For example, for the past 3.5 months I’ve been sick more weeks than not. Ive also been having chronic/ constant yeast infections with 1-2 weeks of relief at a time. I have been treating it with diflucan and OTC creams.
I am also experiencing a lot of gut discomfort with a lot of bloating and weeks of diarrhea followed by weeks of constipation.
The past year has been very stressful so that may have something to do with this. I exercise almost everyday for 30 minutes. A mix of cycling, yoga and weights at home and weekly ballet. We cook most of our food. My diet could always improve but I would say most of the really bad foods we avoid as well as packaged foods. I read food, beauty, and household product labels before I purchase.
Lastly, I have really high cholesterol which is also a puzzle since I have a decent diet and lifestyle. This could be a separate issue and possibly bad genetics. My HDL is also high and triglycerides are low but LDL is really high.
The last 5 weeks I have been going in for weekly acupuncture sessions which has really helped my mood and anxiety and stress management.
If you have any thoughts on any of this please share! Thank you!
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