BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements New Quick Links in the B Better Library

  • New Quick Links in the B Better Library

    Posted by Bernadette on July 6, 2022 at 8:34 am
    I just want you to now that I take all of your feedback to heart, and so I’m excited to share that we’ve added quick links in the header of your B Better library so that you can now easily toggle back and forth between the community and your library with just a click of a link (instead of having to click 3 times inside the product spaces). See the arrow in the image below:

    We’ve also added quick links for your account (billing & support), and for easily sending us feedback – which I value so much!

    I hope you’re excited about this change as much as I am. Next change we’re working on is to have the option to make the “next video” start automatically once you’ve finished watching a lesson.

    I’ll keep you all posted!

    Bernadette replied 2 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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