BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements New Program Available: Heavy Metal Detox

  • New Program Available: Heavy Metal Detox

    Posted by rafcadfouni on June 28, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Good day B Better Community,

    We are so excited to announce the release of our Heavy Metal Detox Program!

    Head to the B Better Library now to access it. Our aim is to help you assess your need and readiness for a heavy metal detox, identify common sources of heavy metals and explore various testing options. This program will enable you to perform a deeper, more targeted heavy metal detox with a sample protocol and product suggestions, helping you achieve rejuvenated health and well-being!

    What you will gain from the program:

    • Assess your need for a heavy metal detox

    • Prepare effectively for a detox

    • Learn the dos and don’ts of a successful detox

    • Follow a sample heavy metal detox protocol

    If you have any questions, please post them in the “Ask Your Questions” space.

    We hope this program will be valuable to you!

    rafcadfouni replied 2 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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