BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements MEMBER MEETUP IN DUBAI – JUNE 22 or 23rd, 2024! We need your votes by Sunday, June 9.

  • MEMBER MEETUP IN DUBAI – JUNE 22 or 23rd, 2024! We need your votes by Sunday, June 9.

    Posted by Bernadette on June 8, 2024 at 8:45 am

    We want to give a big shoutout to our member @Nathalie for taking the initiative to organize a special meetup for all of us in Dubai!

    Nathalie has been putting in the work, reaching out to breathwork specialists and exploring various venues to create a memorable experience for all of us. 

    To help us finalize the details, please let us know which options work best for you ASAP!


    Below are the options for the meetup:

    Option 1: 1-Hour Breathwork with Maria Leonard + Lunch 

    Saturday, June 22 at 1pm at Paus

    Option 2: Breakfast Only 

    Sunday, June 23 at 9:30am at Paus

    *The breathwork session will be sponsored by B Better. Breakfast will be available at your own expense.

    About Maria Leonard, the breathwork facilitator

    Maria (@iammarialeonard) has been conducting breathwork sessions using her own Life Scripting™ modality for more than 10 years.

    Her method uses conscious connected breathing to release restrictions, anxiety, and discomfort, enhancing spiritual awareness. 

    The session is non-physical, helping individuals delve into their subconscious to clarify thoughts and emotions. She uses verbal energy activations tailored to the group’s needs. 

    Certified by KHDA in the UAE, the hour-long session includes 30-40 minutes of breathing while lying indoors.


    Huge thanks to Nathalie for making this happen. We’re excited to see this meetup come to life!

    Bernadette replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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