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Posted by natkhoury20 on June 1, 2024 at 7:14 pmHey,
would you consider the below results as hypothyroidism? my doctor didn’t seem concerned, but would love to hear your thoughts as well as any suggestions to improve it
Bernadette replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Hi @Nathalie Khoury – yes, I would have to agree with you. From a functional lens, there does seem to some subclinical thyroid hypofunction, especially if it coincides with symptoms of low thyroid function.
Please watch these videos from the Thyroid Balance course:
Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction
Thyroid testing & functional interpretations of the different lab ranges
Please let me know if you present with any of those low thyroid symptoms.
A TSH above 2.0 does warrant questioning, especially if a client presents with signs and symptoms of low thyroid function.
And Free T3 and Free T4 should ideally both be in the upper half of the reference range. I’d like to see Free T4 above 1.3, and Free T3 above 3.25 given these references ranges. So both are slightly suboptimal.
Would you happen to have the Total T4 and Total T3 levels from this same blood draw to see if they are also low or not?
If they aren’t low, THIS VIDEO explains why Free T4/Free T3 can be suboptimally low. But again, knowing what the Total levels are would be helpful, as well as Reverse T3.
Thank you @Bernadette Abraham – I watched the 2 videos quickly but will take my time and watch the full course at a later stage.
I can confirm difficulty losing weight, low libido and brain fog as symptoms. I don’t have anything else in this report related to thyroid but i could send you the full report if you think there could be any other relevant markers – I had sent it with the password to Daniel 2 weeks ago in direct chat, but he might have missed it. Let me know!
@Nathalie Khoury yes, please share it here. We encourage our members to share their questions/labs here in the forum. Please feel free to crop out identifying info for privacy.
@Nathalie Khoury thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, it only measured the free levels and antibodies, so I still have a few questions about thyroid function. However, what stood out to me in the rest of the results is the suboptimal high fasting glucose and insulin. As well as elevated triglycerides and suboptimal high liver enzymes, which all fit with this picture. Higher blood sugar levels can also lead to oxidative stress and inflammation.
I can see though that the majority of these levels have actually improved over time from your previous results. Was this improvement due to dietary/lifestyle modifications or medication?
I recommend continuing your efforts to lower fasting glucose and insulin, as this will positively impact both thyroid function, lipid levels, liver enzymes, and hormone balance. You cannot fix a thyroid/hormone issue without fixing a blood sugar issue. Proper blood sugar regulation often helps in managing downstream metabolic and hormonal concerns.
Would you say those higher blood sugar levels are diet or stress related (or both)? I can then help give you more targeted solutions from the Blood Sugar Regulation course.
I had gestational diabetes with my 2 pregnancies, and this is what made me want to test for these markers initially, so I was already aware-ish of these, the rest is all news to me 🙁
Yes levels have improved due to dietary and lifestyle modifications only, and I am currently working hard on losing weight with the aim of bringing them down even more. I am doing the test for fasting glucose, insulin and estradiol on july 4 (which will be around day 21 of my cycle) – based on the result, maybe you could recommend further tests? By then I am aiming to be at around -8kgs from the latest blood test.
to be very honest, in the last year i’ve SIGNIFICANTLY improved the way I eat and thought the results would be much more obvious – so i am tempted to say stress is playing a big part in these levels not reducing enough (lack of quality sleep because of kids waking me up at night / maybe wrong type of exercise etc…)if hypothyroidism is behind my struggle with weight loss i would love to be able to work on it (i DEFINITELY do not gain weight proportionally with what I eat)
thank you so much for all this info ❤️
@Nathalie Khoury your effort definitely shows in the labwork!
Have you tried an elimination diet before? For example, removing dairy and gluten together or individually for at least a month+, followed by a reintroduction? This very often helps people reduce inflammation, lose weight, and eliminate brain fog. It’s definitely worth a try to see if food sensitivities might be at play.
Also in terms of helping the thyroid function better from a nutrient perspective, please watch THIS video to help you be more targeted with your diet.
Happy to look at future lab tests as well.
I am currently doing that, i’ve re-introduced dairy this week and so far all good
I’ll keep you posted on the upcoming blood test results. thank you!!
@Nathalie Khoury great! Please ensure that you completely eliminate a food group 100% for at least a month before considering a reintroduction. It has to be a 100% removal; no cheating or small bites here and there. And THIS handout provides guidance on reintroductions if you need it.
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