BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements Live Talk with Dr. Steven Storage from Amen Clinics is now available!

  • Live Talk with Dr. Steven Storage from Amen Clinics is now available!

    Posted by rafcadfouni on May 25, 2024 at 12:44 pm

    Hello B Better community! Happy Saturday!

    This week’s talk with Dr. Steven Storage from Amen Clinics is now available for you in the B Better Library here!

    In the session, Dr. Steven Storage discussed his journey to Amen Clinics and provided a clear definition of ADD/ADHD, emphasizing the increasing diagnoses due to environmental factors and better diagnostic methods. He outlined the top signs of ADD/ADHD and recommended a free quiz for initial assessment. Dr. Storage highlighted the strengths of ADHD, stressed the importance of accurate diagnosis, and dispelled common myths. He discussed the sleep issues in teens with ADHD and the treatment of combined ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

    Dr. Storage also explained the seven subtypes of ADD identified by Dr. Amen and emphasized the role of brain imaging in understanding ADD/ADHD. He gave practical advice on diet, recommended activities, and supplements to manage symptoms, and differentiated between serotonin and dopamine in ADHD. He addressed whether medication is necessary for children, the impact of brain injuries, emotional trauma, menopause, and how ADHD manifests in seniors. He concluded with ways for people to connect with him for further learning and support.

    Head to the B Better Library to watch it now!

    rafcadfouni replied 3 months, 4 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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