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  • Foundational priorities schizophrenia

    Posted by Annie on April 12, 2024 at 12:43 am

    Hi B and Daniel,

    Listing information requested about food, water, bowel movements and answers to a few other questions below:

    • Bristol stool chart #4. Frequency 3-4 times a day
    • Water intake varies day to day, yesterday was 8 cups , 8 oz each approx. Sometimes less. I think he drinks filtered water from under sink system and water bottles.
    • Mom said he does not mouth breath while awake
    • Was his birthday yesterday and we went out to eat, the extra sugar and gluten cake did not sit well and today he’s back to being less present. We had Chinese at the restaurant and a gluten Bundt cake at home. The food he ate yesterday add me catatonic within 6 hours. Otherwise he has been getting better.
    • Normal day to day food varies. Often has chic fil a, they need good tasting gluten free bun and bread options. They tried making a burger at home but he thought the gluten free bun was awful. Otherwise he eats rice and meat, Taco Bell.
    • They think he just enjoys eating out for the experience
    • They have not moved out of the moldy house yet. Theyre putting the house for sale.
    • Supplements : cymbiotika vitamin c ( 3 packets), curcumin, fish oil, l theanine, and melatonin
    • He takes most of these together in the morning mixed in orange juice ( minus third packet vitamin c , and fish oil)
    • Currently giving 200 mg l theanine and he’s doing fine, considering going up to 400 as the studies showed 200-400 was dosage I think


    Also a side note. There is another book I read where a doctor studied schizophrenic patients and successfully treated them with nutrient therapy. He mentioned there are three main and 3 other side categories of schizophrenia. The three main are more likely are an issue with over methylation, an issue with under methylation, and pylore.

    Bernadette replied 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Bernadette

    April 12, 2024 at 8:44 am

    @Annie Sye thanks for the additional info. I’ll touch on the most important ones to address:

    Is your family now beginning to see the connection between his diet and his condition? We MUST find a way to get your brother to agree to a strict gluten-free diet. Does he like to read? Would sharing the studies on the connection between gluten and schizophrenia help? Third party credibility is very powerful with family members… is there perhaps a friend or someone he looks up to that can convince him? You know him best… what would be the best angle to help him realize that gluten, at this stage in his life, is hurting him?

    I like the idea of making his favorite foods at home. And I agree that finding tasty alternatives will make or break your efforts. Here’s an article I found on a celiac website that shares the best gluten-free bun brands you can try.

    If your mom thinks he likes to eat out for the experience, I would also suggest looking for gluten-free/dairy-free restaurants and cafés in your area and encourage him to try those instead. As a rule of thumb, avoid chains & franchises for better health when dining out. I know you know this, but again, it’s a matter of getting him to realize that he can still enjoy going out but choosing places and foods that will help him, not hurt him.

    If it’s going to be a while before your brother can move out of the moldy home, I strongly recommend buying him an ultra HEPA air purifier for his bedroom (and wherever else he spends the most time in the house). I can’t remember if we already spoke about this in previous threads. If not, let me know and I can share more. You can also watch THIS video from the Beginner’s Health Roadmap which discusses different air filter brand options.

    Dr. Jill also has a very practical and affordable course HERE on what to do if still living in mold. Use code BBETTER for 10% off.

    Just confirming that the melatonin is being given before bed correct?

    You’re correct about the dosage range of l-theanine. Split the dose if you’re going to increase it. So morning and evening for example.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if methylation is compromised. That’s a big part of detoxification and what helps us produce glutathione, our most potent antioxidant and detoxifier. And that’s why it’s so important for him to be living away from the moldy home as soon as possible. Avoidance is the #1 rule for mold detox.

    Question about his bowel movements. I like the fact that he’s not constipated and is having regular bowel movements, but I question whether or not he’s fully emptying his bowels each time. But since he isn’t constipated, supporting methylation with a low dose methylated B complex might be something worth considering, or a detox formula that has a little bit of B’s and amino acids to support both phase 1 and phase 2 detox. For example, something like Integrated Therapeutics Detoxification Factors. But low and slow is the name of the game anytime detoxification is involved. I briefly touch on methylation and how important B vitamins are to the process in THIS VIDEO if you care to understand it better.

    Sweating is also very important for both heavy metal and mold detoxification. Does he exercise by any chance? If not, a portable low-EMF sauna like this one where his head is not being heated, might also be something to consider to help with detoxification. Here’s some literature showing how it can be beneficial. Just keep in mind that he’ll need to hydrate before and especially after, along with electrolytes to remain well hydrated.

    Finally, I would also encourage you to look into neurofeedback sessions. If the SPECT scan is out of budget at the moment, as an alternative you can look for a clinic that offers a qEEG scan and neurofeedback.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Annie

    April 13, 2024 at 7:36 am

    @Bernadette Abraham Hi B, I’ll answer everything below in the numerical order you mentioned everything above.

    1. Absolutely. Gluten and sugar definitely seem to hurt him. He has a really big sweet tooth so the days he has a lot of gluten and sugar, within hours he’ll get worse. Not sure if there’s a safe sugar alternative. I don’t have enough knowledge on this topic but I’ve heard a lot of the sugar alternatives are harmful for the gut. Are there any that aren’t harmful?

    My mom is the only one he’s willing to hear out. But unfortunately, he has some delusions, he isn’t thinking clearly, so it’s often hard ,even for her, to reason with him. He think since chic fil a is Christian owned company, that eating it will
    help purify his body, even though their food is just awful. When she tells him the food isn’t very good for him and has a ton of harmful ingredients, he just thinks he’s right and she doesn’t understand.

    I do think taking him to all gluten free restaurants and cafes is a wonderful idea.

    Before his episode he would have cut gluten, dairy and sugar in a heart beat, but he just isn’t thinking clearly right now.

    Thank you so much for the gluten free bun options I will pass this information to my mother, it’s very helpful.

    2. They have an air doctor, the large one.

    I will take the course by Dr Jill and summarize the information for my mother. Thank you.

    3. Yes, he’s taking the lowest dose possible that I could find, pure encapsulations brand. He takes it a few hours before bed. Debating on doubling the dose.

    4. Ok sounds good. We’ll be starting the double and divided dose of l theanine tomorrow

    5. Was wondering if we should add cymbiotika glutathione to his supplements. What are your thoughts?

    6. If he starts the integrated therapeutics detoxification factors, does he stop taking his other b complex? Or can he take both everyday? Or is it better to alternate days?

    7. I sent my mother the link, she said she’d take a look at the sauna and place the order

    8. The only issue with any testing right now is getting him to agree to it. He’s gotten better and is slowly warming up to the idea of an “ annual checkup”. Every day that passes he seems to present with less of his Symptoms, minus the sudden dips he has when he eats gluten and sugar. Hoping he gets well enough soon so he can get all of the recommended tests done.

    Thanks so much B.

  • Annie

    April 14, 2024 at 3:08 pm

    I wanted to add that he has agreed to go to a dentist. He has that tooth that’s completely black in the back. Has gone bad. It’s been that way for over a year.

  • Bernadette

    April 14, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    @Annie Sye

    Regarding melatonin. Look for one that is slow release/extended release, and it should be taken 30-45 mins before bed to help with falling asleep and staying asleep longer.

    Glutathione is a wonderful antioxidant and detoxifier, but not everyone does well since it’s sulfur based. If you decide to give it, remove any other variables (like adding any new foods or supplements) and monitor how he does with it. It should not be taken at least 5 hours before bed as it can be stimulating to some.

    Yes, it’s either or. You don’t want to give too many B’s at once.

    So the qEEG scan is non-invasive and very easy to have done. You basically wear a “hat” that has electrodes on it that measures brain activity. Once results are back, neurologist can put together a protocol which usually involves neurofeedback. It’s an excellent tool for anyone with brain health issues. It’s done wonders for my own son who was diagnosed with Type 4 ADD and had learning difficulties. I can’t praise it enough.

    Regarding the amalgam filling which contains toxic mercury. If he’s considering removal, it’s absolutely essential that he gets it removed by a biological dentist using the SMART protocol. You can look for a certified dentist in your area HERE. Also discuss your brother’s case with the dentist and if now is the right time for him, because it should be done from a place of strength. Optimizing immune function is also part of the protocol before removal, but a qualified biological dentist will know this and guide you through the process.

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