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Hi, I have a few questions but first a bit of a background that lead up to my health issues.
unknown replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 43 Replies
@Rhondine sorrell just an update. The technical team said everything is working fine. Can you please try and let me know if you’re still facing problems. It’s working from my phone now as well. It took a few seconds for the page to load, and I had to login again, but then it worked fine. Please let me know if you’re able to access the info.
@Bernadette Abraham yes it’s working now, thank you.
I’ve been reading about bii since you sent the link . I knew about it before but was in a bit of denial that it could be causing this but I joined different groups n was reading about it and the symptoms I’m going through matches to the T. I called my surgeon that did the surgery and he said the ones I have in are recalled. Sadly I called the company and only way to get them out is to replace them with something else ,free of cost but if I want them out fully with no replacement ,it’s not covered that’s sad because it’s so expensive and my health is declining . I’m basically being poisoned. The tingling I had originally I think was a symptom n I had high heart rate but didn’t think much of it until the surgery triggered it even more.
Thank you for highlighting it with the article because I was in denial when I first heard about it last year but what I’m going through isn’t normal .
I am trying to get my insurance to cover it but in the mean time I’m so scared to get it removed because surgeries now scare me and I’m so weak but I’ve read a lot of persons were feeling the same way and the day of surgery they got better and some needed to detox the silicone out their body n just a full detox and they felt better .
@Bernadette Abraham i can tell my body is riddled with inflammation but it’s not showing in my blood anymore so I figured where the inflammation is coming from. So I’m gonna start preparing for this explant surgery of these toxin bags in my body .
I’m having a bit of brain fog so it takes me longer to grasp everything when I was usually sharp so I’m gonna watch the videos in the library . Any advice or anything I can do to prepare my body for this surgery because I know my immune system needs help. If I can take couple supplements I will or if I can stop some of the ones I’m on now n replace it with something else to prepare my body. I know my mineral levels are low. I was watching a video from my computer about immune system but I can’t find it from my phone . I just need just something basic that I can start with before surgery etc
@Rhondine sorrell I’m glad you joined a few BII groups and are considering an explant. There is evidence of a heavy metal burden from your HTMA and blood tests, so once the source is found and removed, the body can then start to detoxify at a much faster rate, which is why many women start to experience symptom relief almost immediately.
Think of it this way. Imagine a bucket filled with water that has a hole at the bottom of it that allows water to leak out of it. The bucket represents your detoxification organs (the liver and skin being the largest ones) and the hole at the bottom of the bucket represents your ability to eliminate toxins through these detox organs. The size of that hole that lets water drain out varies from person to person. If the toxins coming into the bucket is faster than what the hole at the bottom can drain out, your bucket will overflow and you get symptoms. So the goal is to reduce the toxins coming into your bucket. Does that visual analogy make sense?
And I want to acknowledge and give you credit for not giving up! And give yourself credit for instinctively knowing what the next step should be in wanting to support your body and immune system to be stronger for the explant surgery. You know your body better than anyone, including myself and doctors. Give yourself credit and keep listening to that gut feeling you have.
We actually have a “Preparing for Surgery – Pre & Post Op Recommendations” protocol that can hopefully help you do just that!
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and do keep us posted on what happens with the insurance. I’m praying they cover it!
@Bernadette Abraham thank you,appreciated. I started taking this protocol when I got the htma and got some supplements to take but I’ll make another post about it. Majority of the supplements are repeating and I’m not sure ifs too much of the same ingredients I’m taking or if the right b6 because I was toxic before on b6
@Bernadette Abraham thank you , I understand the visual just didn’t know the body was that intricate lol. It’s very scary thinking about another surgery when my body is fighting me severely . Do you have any video on mcas or candida overgrowth? I can’t access the videos library from my phone and I’m not close to my computer now. I wanted to try and fix my gut somewhat before surgery because I’m still looking around for doctors and consulting is not until couple months. The depression and burning n inflammation is severe so I just want to start doing something to help even though the main issue is probably the implant but in the mean time the pain is literally unbearable
@Bernadette Abraham I’m curious on my test does it show I have mold ? I wasn’t sure if that’s something I need to address as well and Lyme test is a bit confusing not sure if Lyme is positive or dormant. Just trying to figure out what and slowly work on the root cause . I appreciate you thank you
@Rhondine sorrell the oat test does show possibility of mold (high aspergillus and need for glutathione) but the mycotoxin test doesn’t show elevated levels. This could however be a false negative. If the body is having trouble excreting mycotoxins in urine, it will show negative results like yours.
The next step that I would take would be to do an ERMI test to check my environment. As I mentioned in my previous reply, the goal is to determine sources of heavy metals /toxins (mold included). We have a course on Mold & Mycotoxin Illness that can help with that. Here’s the video you can watch about testing mold in your environment.
As for Lyme – what did your doctor say about the results? It’s not uncommon for someone with burdened immunity from toxins to be prone to pathogens and overgrowths. So it’s not the starting place when there’s a lot else going on.
The goal is still to identify the source of toxins and avoiding them which will alleviate the burden on the immune system and allow it to handle pathogens and overgrowths more effectively. Make sense?
@Bernadette Abraham hi how are you ? I’m booked for explant surgery in 2 weeks. Shocked I got in so quick because the surgeon is booked out. Was on the phone with them trying to even get a consult and she got a cancellation right then and asked if I wanted it . I knew about bii but was in denial and didn’t want to even think about it but Thank you for highlighting that and I started to do more research. Definitely extremely scared for another surgery and how my body will react.
@Rhondine sorrell wow – call me coocoo, but when things happen that fast, I believe it’s the universe guiding the way!!
I’m sure you’re feeling very scared having had so many surgeries, but I also believe in the power of our thoughts, and meditation/prayer. Don’t focus on the past which you cannot change. Focus on the positive outcome this will have on your immune system and toxicity level. Feel excited about this new chapter in your life that will hopefully bring with it renewed health.
Pray for a successful surgery. We’ll all be praying for you.
And now you’ve got 2 weeks to get ready for surgery and optimize immunity. Review the protocol I shared HERE, and get your post-surgery meals, food therapy options and/or supplements (for liver support and gut healing), and support system in place in the meantime.
You’ve got this! I’m really hopeful for you… ❤️
@Bernadette Abraham Thank you so much, you actually saved my life. I was in complete denial of this and when you sent that article everything clicked. I appreciate you even believing in me when everyone was thinking I’m crazy ,I started believing it myself but I knew something was poisoning my body but didn’t connect the dots. Thank you so much . When I joined I was literally about to give up on life,I wasn’t even gonna post my initial question ,it’s like god told me to. I was so upset with god throughout all this especially having my kids witness this but now I’m not anymore because he knew I had to go through this so I can have a testimony and you will be apart of my testimony. Funny enough my grandmother is 101 years old and she lives with me, I wasn’t able to take care of her she was taking caring of me,she’s that healthy lol. She told me something was poisoning my body and she cried saying she’s holding off going to heaven because I will be healed and she wants to be a witness. I was so scared because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and didn’t want her to leave this earth knowning I’m still sick. Her only wish was to see me get better. I know I’ll need to detox and do more work but I know healing is near . I haven’t been this positive in a long time because I literally saw no hope of me even slighting getting better until now. Will check out the protocol. Tears of joy, thank you !
@Rhondine sorrell OMG you brought me to tears too! How beautiful for you to already see that your darkest struggles and pain will become your beautiful story to inspire others! You’re also so lucky to still have your grand-mother – God bless her!
When is your surgery date? I’ll make sure to create a post and ask for collective prayers from our community.
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