
  • 27 Lessons

    Adrenal Balance

    To achieve hormone balance, addressing mental/emotional, physical, and physiological stressors is crucial. This course is for those recovering from HPA-axis dysfunction, also known as 'adrenal fatigue'.
  • 33 Lessons

    Beginner’s Health Roadmap

    This roadmap is the starting point for everyone – even those who are more advanced in their health journey. You will know the exact steps to take in order to sleep better, think better (bye bye brain fog), eat cleaner, eliminate PMS, and stay energized.
  • 18 Lessons

    Blood Sugar Regulation

    Learn how to recognize and reverse insulin resistance with foods to eat and supplements to take to improve energy, mood, cognitive function, cardiovascular health, thyroid health, sleep, and hormone balance.
  • 13 Lessons

    Fatty Acid Balance

    Explore the fundamentals of fatty acids and their role in supporting immunity, hormones, skin health, bile & cholesterol production, inflammation control, cardiovascular health, brain function, and more.
  • 53 Lessons

    Gut Health Masterclass

    This signature masterclass serves as a launch pad for anyone looking to improve their overall health. Not only will you understand how gut health functions and dysfunctions, you’ll have the tools to balance hormones, immunity, skin health, brain health and mood.
  • 34 Lessons

    Interpreting Basic Blood Chemistry

    Learn how to interpret basic blood chemistry from a functional perspective. This course covers CBC, CMP, lipids, inflammation & vitamin markers, plus insightful case studies to help you become a strong advocate for your health.
  • 27 Lessons

    Intro to Mold & Mycotoxin Illness

    For many, mold is viewed as merely an aesthetic concern, yet it poses a significant toxicity risk. This course delves into mold illness, testing methods, finding assistance, and detox strategies, including sample protocols.
  • 16 Lessons

    Intro to Reading Food Labels

    Shop with confidence! Learn about serving sizes, daily values, fat claims, trans fats, carbs, sugars, ideal sugar percentages, and the top five ingredients to avoid. Practice with real labels to make healthier choices.
  • 40 Lessons

    Mineral Balance

    Learn how to spot and test the most common mineral imbalances in iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and calcium, and correct it with the right foods and supplements.

  • 25 Lessons

    Thyroid Balance

    Given the thyroid's vital role in metabolism, including functions like digestion, hair and nail health, weight, body temperature, and fertility, this course is essential for those seeking to boost energy and vitality.