Jet Lag Tips

I know it’s a little late, but I promised to share my jet lag tips after my summer travel so SAVE this post for your next trip! ⁣

⁣⁣⁣1️⃣ Our wake-sleep hormones cortisol and melatonin are tied to the rhythm of the sun and moon. So getting outside at different times of the day and grounding as often and as long as possible is my preferred way of helping reset my circadian rhythm to the new time zone. ⁣
⁣2️⃣ My homeopath recommends I take Arnica 30c. 2 pellets 12 hours before and immediately before departure. Then every 3 hours on board. Check with yours!⁣
⁣3️⃣ The Timeshifter app helps plan the days before, during and after travel to minimize jet lag. Check it out - the first trip is free!⁣
⁣Also, consider these:⁣
⁣✅ A few days before traveling East, set your morning alarm clock to the time zone of your destination. Ex: if flying from Dubai to Bangkok, start the day at 3am (6am Bangkok time) and sleep at 7pm (10pm Bangkok time). And repeat.⁣
⁣✅ Have your coffee and main meals in the same time zone of your destination as well.⁣
⁣✅ Wear blue-light blocking glasses when the sun sets in your new time zone. Blue light blocks melatonin production needed for optimal sleep.
⁣✅ Melatonin taken 1-2 hours before bed may help reset the circadian rhythm but keep dosage in mind. The body only produces ~0.3 - 0.5mg per day whereas supplements range between 1-5g.⁣
⁣⚠️ ????????????????: melatonin is contraindicated for those taking anticonvulsants, diabetes and blood pressure medications & immunosuppressants, so always check with your practitioner!⁣

⁣If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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