Is Your Probiotic Making You Constipated?

I shared this tip in my IG stories and got flooded with DMs so I thought I’d share it here too and further expand on it.⁣
⁣First off, know that our gut microbiome is teeming with beneficial and opportunistic microbial species. ⁣
⁣Scientists are still learning and discovering new genera, species and strains, including their respective health benefits, so while taking a probiotic seems to be the popular recommendation these days, know that just like diets, there’s no one-size-fits-all probiotic.

Different circumstances call for different probiotics.
⁣⚠️For instance, those with microbial overgrowths (i.e. SIBO) should avoid probiotic formulations containing pre-biotics (i.e. food for probiotics) like FOS or inulin. It’s like adding fuel to fire!????⁣
⁣⚠️Those with constipation should choose probiotics with higher concentrations of Bifidobacterium than Lactobacillus. ⁣
⁣⚠️Those with yeast sensitivity should avoid taking S. Boulardii – even though it’s a beneficial type of yeast.⁣
⁣⚠️Those with loose stools would probably be better off with more Lactobacillus rhamnosus or plantarum than Bifido.⁣
⁣???????? Many of you asked about a brand that has a higher bifido count; Seeking Health has ProBiota Bifido, Metagenics has UltraFlora Control, Renew Life has Extra Care and Adult 50+. And there are many other brands as well.
⁣???????? And if you don’t have any histamine issues (allergies, asthma, itchy skin, watery eyes, etc), consider introducing fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, etc. Food first always, and supplement when you can’t or when you’re lacking.⁣
⁣If you love this type of information, you’ll love my upcoming B Better membership, especially my Gut Health Masterclass.⁣ ⁣I’m launching soon so get on that waiting list to be the first to hear about it!
⁣If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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