BBetter Home Page Forums Lab Tests, Markers & Interpretations bacterial overgrowth and yeast

  • Bernadette

    March 11, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    @Lana Zambarakji I would first ask why. Why does this person have a bacterial and yeast overgrowth.

    Antibiotics? Environment (i.e. heavy metals, mold exposure, contaminated food/water)? Poor eating hygiene? High stress? Compromised immunity (i.e. low vitamin A, D, zinc levels)? Diet high in sugar/refined carbs? Poor digestive function? Hormonal changes? Lack of beneficial bacteria and yeast / microbiome diversity?

    If you can share a little more about this person’s health history and diet, we can guide you a bit better.

    Killing bacteria and yeast is easy. Many great herbal options to do that. But if the source isn’t identified and addressed, there’s a chance of recurrence.

    You can find “killing” solutions for bacteria HERE and for yeast HERE from the Gut Health Masterclass course.

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