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  • Holistic vs allopathic

    Posted by Kkol on August 23, 2023 at 11:57 am
    Hi B and everyone. The past few years maybe 7-10 years we’ve seen more and more naturopaths and other alternative and functional medicine practitioners requesting loads of functional tests and even some of them won’t treat you without order a test or more.
    I had a conversation with one of the very good and honest naturopathic dr practicing in Dubai from SA regarding this specific subject and he agreed with me that it became like allopathic, order tests and treat the results. While he has many functional tests available but he’s one of those who always prefer and stick to the basics or naturopathy and always works!

    And I agree and even I don’t know why some tests are still required for example few years my sister had adrenal stress saliva test, and she was treated by her practitioner with adaptogenic Beth’s and supplants while now I believe this is very unnecessary test because of someone has adrenal stress any good practitioner can tell during consultation and symptoms and treatment always is the same.

    So why people don’t stick to basics? Not everyone can afford these tests and. It everyone has hand on it.
    I understand it is an additional income for practitioners but talking honestly and we know you’re honest. What’s the point?

    Kkol replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Bernadette

    August 23, 2023 at 12:32 pm

     you’re correct and I have to agree that there is a lot of unnecessary functional testing happening in the naturopathic and FM world, and yes it is a form of passive income for practitioners.

    From my discussions with recent graduates of naturopathic schools, it seems that they are now teaching a more structured allopathic approach, but using functional tests and nutraceuticals instead of pharmaceuticals. So yes, in that sense, I have to agree with you that it’s become a bit too protocoled. 

    Daniel and I were taught to use tests only when necessary to help decide on a course of action. If it’s to confirm an assumption based on a client’s symptoms and health history, then it’s a waste of that client or patient’s money unless they insist and have the budget for it.

    You are correct that so much can be corrected when the basic foundations are addressed. This was my strategy for the content creation in B Better and the reason why I focused on creating courses that address these foundations: digestion/gut health, blood sugar balance, minerals, hydration, fatty acids, adrenal/thyroid, environmental. 

    And in the course pipeline is a course for interpreting basic labs (CBC & CMP) because so much can be gleaned from these simple blood tests; many of which are covered by insurance.

    When these foundations are addressed, I can bet that 95% of the symptoms our members experience, will improve. And I know this to be true because that’s what I focus on with my private clients as well and get great results.

    So yes, I agree with you that a lot can be done WITHOUT functional testing. However, there are benefits as it can remove a lot of trial and error by dictating the course of action, as well as helping with client compliance. Some people are driven by their numbers and will only change their habits if they see the need in ‘black and white’ so to speak. 

    For example, removing gluten and dairy after doing a KBMO food sensitivity test, or increasing fatty acids after doing an OmegaQuant test and seeing a very low Omega-3 to Omega-6 balance which is pro-inflammatory. These types of unveilings can be powerful motivators for clients and patients to change their habits.

    Hope this helps give additional perspective to the issue. And thank you for bringing it up. 

  • Kkol

    August 23, 2023 at 9:25 pm

    thank you for your very reasonable reply and looking forward for these courses

  • Inga-55

    August 23, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Hi B and family. Kindly share couple best iron supplements. Some relatives and friends of mine said there doctors told them they are anemic and experiencing fatigue, hair falling out etc.

  • Bernadette

    August 23, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    Hi  – you can find some suggestions in this video on how to correct an iron deficiency inside the Mineral Balance course.

  • Kkol

    September 30, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    Hi B. Yes it’s my sister. But she stopped the eye drops and apparently they’re not the reason

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