BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements Live Guest Expert Call TOMORROW (7/21!)

  • Live Guest Expert Call TOMORROW (7/21!)

    Posted by ariana-golub on July 20, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    Are you ready for our guest expert call tomorrow (July 21, 2023)? 

    This week we will be welcoming Dr. Manjari Rao.  

    Dr. Rao is a holistic homeopathy consultant serving thousands of patients seeking a holistic way of addressing their health concerns. She speaks on several topics around managing your health using natural alternatives.

    In this interview, Dr. Rao will be discussing the background of homeopathy and cell salts, and offering a very practical approach on how we can all use cell salts at home along with some homeopathy must-haves for our medicine cabinets. Her session is NOT to be missed!

    Come ready to ask questions as Manjari is hosting this call with Q&A format!

    The call is at 6pm Dubai time (7am PST, 9am CST, 10am EST, 3pm BST)

    For those in other timezones, check out to convert the time for your area.

    To access the live session just click here at the start time. Or you can access the link from our community’s “Event Calendar” space in Circle.

    Not sure what to expect? Calls take place via Zoom and your camera/microphone will be off unless you choose to have them on to ask a question.

    If you have questions before the call, you can post them in the comments section of the Events Page. This will be especially helpful if you can’t make it live but know you want to ask them something!

    Hope to see you on the call!

    P.S Can’t make it live? No problem – the recording will be uploaded into your membership library under the “All Call Recordings” within 24 hours. 

    ariana-golub replied 1 year, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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