BBetter Home Page Forums Digestion & Gut Health SIBO is negative but symptoms persist

  • Daniel

    June 16, 2023 at 9:59 pm

    Hey ,

    SIFO and SIBO share many symptoms and it is very well possible. We know for example when you use antibiotics fungus can start to overgrow since bacteria in the gut die off. Mold can contribute, but also immune dysfunction.

    It is also possible to have SIBO and SIFO. Candida species have also been found in the majority of SIFO patients (here is an article if you are interested). We have a handout right here and you will probably recognize a lot of the recommendations we have made in the past.

    The good news is that, in order to treat SIBO and SIFO (or even dysbiosis) there are many similar recommendations. A lot of the supplements you could use with SIBO can also be used with SIFO. Think of supplements like oregano, thyme, caprylic acid, uva-ursi, berberine, pau
    d’arco, garlic, undecyclenic acid and combination supplements as well.

    With SIFO you would like to avoid sugar and fast digestible carbohydrates as well. Fermented foods and foods containing yeast/fungi would be best to avoid in this case as well.

  • naslam1603

    June 17, 2023 at 7:17 am

    Good morning Daniel, Is fungal overgrowth also known as candida overgrowth? Which supplement could be gentle on the stomach?

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