Zinc RBC
Hi guys,Last month I had my zinc rbc levels checked:
886 ug/dl with ref range 1000-1800
My Dr said it’s too low and prescribed me 100mg/daily for 3 months.
Last night I saw Bernadette’s story abt always testing your levels and how too much zinc can deplete copper, which I had already learnt from her. But the only zinc/ copper combination I could find was Jarrow Formulas with 15mg/capsule zinc.
So I just started taking zinc only.
But last night it hit me suddenly that I had not checked for optimal zinc levels, as Bernadette always preaches☺️ and I found out that optimal levels are 878-1600 ug/dl
Now i have taken 100 mg daily for 1 month, though my levels were actually ok, lower end, but maybe 100mg was too much!?
Shall I just stop and retest in few weeks?
And for future: is there any brand that has the combination with higher zinc levels?
Thank you
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